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Worship Bulletins

April 21, 2024

Contemporary Service

Prelude | “Don’t Lose Heart”

Gathering the Church

Call to Worship

Attendance, Prayers and Praises

Music | “Praise You Anywhere”

Music | “Great Things”

Music | “Desert Song”


Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalm 107:1-9 NRSV

Sermon | Deserts: Times of Loneliness and Anxiety | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Music | “You Will Be Found”

Music | “Evidence”

Sending Forth 

Benediction | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Traditional Service

Gathering the Church

Prelude | “God Is Present” – setting by Michael Burkhardt

Call To Worship | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Hymn | #159 “Lift High the Cross” – CRUCIFER


Sacrament of Baptism

Hymn | #611 “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise” – STUTTGART
sts. 1 & 4

Prayer | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Anthem | “Come Away to the Skies” – arr. Richard Erickson

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalm 107:1-9 NRSV

Sermon | Deserts: Times of Loneliness and Anxiety | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Hymn | #605 “Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters” – BEACH SPRING

Sacrament of Baptism & Act of Confirmation

Hymn | #102 “Now Thank We All Our God” – NUN DANKET


Postlude | “Trumpet Voluntary ” – Gordon Young

Online Service

Welcome | Mat Hotho & Colleen Schmitt

Gathering the Church

Music | “Desert Song”

Prayer Engagement | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Congregational Prayer 

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalm 107:1-9 NRSV

Sermon | Deserts: Times of Loneliness and Anxiety | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Sending Forth

Music | “My Eternal King” – Jane Marshall

Benediction | Mat Hotho & Colleen Schmitt

Family Circle

Healing Prayer
Bill Baugh
Cheryl Beckner
Frank Coolidge
Margena Hinley
Michael Masters

Sympathy To:

  • The family and friends of June Horn, on her passing, Jan 5.
  • Richard Alley and family on the passing of his mother, Sherry Alley, March 8.
  • Christy Cahill on the passing of her brother, Paul Patten Brown, April 8.
  • The Rev. Vicki Walker and family on the passing of father, Calvin Walker, April 17.

We celebrate the baptism of Vera Kathleen Sheffield, daughter of Angela & Barrett (11 a.m.)

The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God in celebration of the new confirmands by the leaders of the confirmation class, Shane Fletcher, Donna Nunely, Lucretia Murphy, and Jess and Katie Johnson.

Next Sunday

Sunday, April 28

Skies: Times of Hope and Promise     

Psalm 19

Mat Hotho

The heavens declare God's glory, bringing promise and hope throughout the Bible. From the rainbow after the flood to the cloud signaling the end of drought, they remind us of God's imminent promise and provision.


Music in today’s services is covered under
OneLicense.net License #A-724828
CCLI License #1026477