Worship Bulletins
March 9, 2025
Contemporary Service
Music | “Beautiful Life (with CAIN)”
Gathering the Church
Call to Worship
Attendance, Prayers and Praises
Music | “Freedom”
Music | “Praise The Lord”
Reception of New Members
Music | “Jesus Does”
Proclamation of the Word
Scripture | 1 Peter 2:20-24; Romans 3:23-36
Sermon | The Work of Nonviolence (Substitutionary Atonement) | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans
Response to the Word
Music | “The Jesus Way”
Music | “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”
Sending Forth
Benediction | The Rev. Magrey deVega
Traditional Service
Gathering the Church
Prelude | “Prelude on TOPLADY” arr. Jon Spong
Hymn | #269 “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days” – LAND OF REST
Reception of New Members
Hymn | #361 “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” – TOPLADY
Anthem | “God So Loved the World” John Stainer
Proclamation of the Word
Scripture | 1 Peter 2:20-24; Romans 3:23-36
Sermon | The Work of Nonviolence (Substitutionary Atonement) | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans
Response to the Word
Anthem | “Wondrous Love” arr. Paul Christiansen
Hymn | #363 “And Can It Be that I Should Gain” – SAGINA
Benediction | The Rev. Magrey deVega
Postlude | “Prelude and Fugue in g” J. S. Bach
Online Service
Welcome | The Rev. Magrey deVega & John Barolo
Gathering the Church
Music | “Jesus Does”
Congregational Prayer
Proclamation of the Word
Scripture | 1 Peter 2:20-24; Romans 3:23-36
Sermon | The Work of Nonviolence (Substitutionary Atonement) | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans
Response to the Word
Sending Forth
Music | “God So Loved the World” Bob Chilcott
Benediction | The Rev. Magrey deVega & John Barolo
Family Circle
Healing Prayer
Karen Brown
Kelley Howard-Allen
Daniel Propst
Mary Jane Stewart
Hillary Dicus Suarez
Glenda Vick
Zane Walker
The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in thanks to the members of the church for their prayers, visits and gifts of love during her recovery by Judy Bessette.
Music in today’s services is covered under
OneLicense.net License #A-724828
CCLI License #1026477