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Our Theme In Glory (September 15, 2024)

We cannot control how we will be remembered. 125 years from now, who knows what will be said about us by our descendants. All that we can do – and must do – is remember the stories of our ancestors and live into the grander story of God.


Reflection Questions:
1. How can you re-prioritize your life, to focus less on being remembered, and more on being part of a story bigger than yourself?

2. How will you remember the “old, old story” of God’s love in your life?

3. How will you live into the story of God’s love through this church?

Today's Music:

Great Things
Joans Myrin & Phil Wickham
© Phil Wickham Songs, Simply Global Songs, Sing My Songs (Admin by Essential Music Publishing, LLC) | Son of the Lion, Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing)

CCLI #1026477
Onelicense.net #A-724828

Branching Out:
Our Place in the Faith Family Tree

Voices of Inspiration:
Great Lives that Light Our Way

Hard to Believe:
Essential Yet Challenging Aspects of the Faith

Life’s Highs and Lows:
Navigating the Landscapes of the Soul

You are Not Alone:
Spiritual Insights for Creating Community