813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

Worship Bulletins

Oct. 13, 2024

Contemporary Service

Prelude | “For All My Life”

Gathering the Church

Call to Worship

Attendance, Prayers and Praises

Music | “Praise You Anywhere”

Music | “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”

Music | “Available”


Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | John 15:12-17

Sermon | Service | Heidi Aspinwall

Response to the Word



Music | “The Change”

Music | “Life is a Highway”

Sending Forth 


Benediction | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Traditional Service

Gathering the Church


Call to Worship

Hymn | #154 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” – CORONATION

Affirmation of Faith #881

Doxology | #94 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” – LASST UNS ERFREUEN


Hymn | #432 “Jesu, Jesu” – CHEREPONI
sts. 1 & 2


Hymn | #432 “Jesu, Jesu” – CHEREPONI
sts. 3 & 4

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | John 15:12-17

Sermon | Service | Heidi Aspinwall

Response to the Word



Anthem | “Offertory” – John Ness Beck

Hymn Introduction

Hymn | #581 “Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service” – BEACH SPRING

Benediction | The Rev. Magrey deVega


Online Service

Welcome | Mat Hotho & The Rev. Magrey deVega

Gathering the Church

Music | “Festival Piece on St. Anne” – Eugene Butler

Prayer Engagement

Congregational Prayer

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | John 15:12-17

Sermon | Service | Heidi Aspinwall

Response to the Word



Sending Forth

Music | “Less Like Me”

Benediction | Mat Hotho & The Rev. Magrey deVega

Family Circle

Healing Prayer
Gayle Gilmore

We extend prayers to all of those facing stress and loss as a result of Hurricane Helene. You are not alone; we are here and praying for you.

Sympathy To:

  • The family and friends of Pat Dunnick on her passing Oct. 2.
  • Brenda Harris on the passing of her sister, Bonnie Cade, Sept. 28.

The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to glorify God in loving memory of Curtis Larmon by the Smith family.

The Rose on the Altar celebrates the birth of Stacey Thomas Harcrow, son of Fletcher & Brooke Harcrow, grandson of Rick & Kim Harcrow and Dan & Tia Larson, born Sept. 29.

Next Sunday

Sunday, Oct. 20


1 John 4:7-12

The Rev. Magrey deVega

The kingdom of God is built one life at a time, one relationship at a time, one moment of personal invitation at a time. At the heart of a Wesleyan understanding of evangelism is love. Not fear, coercion, duty, or guilt, but a deeply held conviction that God loves all people, and we are to love others without exception or condition. 


Music in today’s services is covered under
OneLicense.net License #A-724828
CCLI License #1026477