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Worship Bulletins

Jan. 26, 2025

Contemporary Service

Music | “Church Music”

Gathering the Church

Call to Worship

Attendance, Prayers and Praises

Music | “You Are Good”

Music | “Praise The Lord”

Music | “Bless God”


Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalms 100

Sermon | Inspired to Worship | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Music | “September/Praise”

Sending Forth 


Benediction | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Traditional Service

Gathering the Church

Prelude | “Thanks Be to God ” – G. F. Handel

Handbell Call to Worship | “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” – Sondra Tucker

Hymn | “Moved by the Gospel, Let us Move”


Sacrament of Baptism

Hymn | #611 “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise” – STUTTGART
sts. 1 & 4


Anthem | “Alleluia” – Ralph Manuel

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalms 100

Sermon | Inspired to Worship | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Anthem | “Let the People Praise Thee, O God” – William Mathias

Hymn | #648 “God the Spirit, Guide and Guardian” – HYFRODOL

Benediction | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Postlude | “Toccata” (Psalm 150:3-6) Douglas Wagner

Online Service

Welcome | Mat Hotho & Micheal Dougherty

Gathering the Church

Music | “Great Things”

Congregational Prayer

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | Psalms 100

Sermon | Inspired to Worship | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Sending Forth

Music | “Festival Sanctus” – John Leavitt

Benediction | Mat Hotho & Micheal Dougherty

Family Circle

Healing Prayer
Sue Kelly
Cheri Roland
Mike Sundar
Glenda Vick

We celebrate the baptism of Stacey Thomas Harcrow, son of Brooke & Fletcher, grandson of Kim & Rick Harcrow and Dan & Tia Larson (11 a.m.)

The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God in memory of Jim Thomas by Debbie Thomas.

The Flowers in the Narthex are given to the glory of God celebrating the baptism of Stacey Thomas Harcrow, by his grandparents.

Next Sunday

Sunday, Feb. 2

How We Read the Bible: Inerrancy, Infallibility, Inspiration

1 Timothy 3:16-17 

The Rev. Magrey deVega

How does the way we interpret the Bible shape our faith? A Wesleyan approach focuses on inspiration rather than rigid concepts of inerrancy or infallibility. This perspective invites us to read Scripture dynamically and contextually, unlocking deeper truth and broader applicability. Join us to explore why this distinction matters so much.

Sunday, Feb. 9

What Do We Do with the Violence?

Exodus 34:5-6

The Rev. Magrey deVega

How can we reconcile a loving God with the violence depicted in the Bible? Many struggle with this challenge, especially when reading the Old Testament. Join us as we delve into how to navigate scripture faithfully while grappling with the tough questions about God, violence, and our understanding of his character.


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CCLI License #1026477