813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

Worship Bulletins

Dec. 1, 2024

Dec. 8, 2024

Dec. 15, 2024

Contemporary Service

Prelude | “Angels (Glory To God)”

Gathering the Church

Call to Worship

Attendance, Prayers and Praises

First Lesson | Isaiah 7:14

Music | “O Come O Come Emmanuel”

Second Lesson | Isaiah 9:2 & 6

Music | “Light of the World”

Advent Wreath Lighting

Music | “Light Of The World”

Third Lesson | Luke 2:8-14

Music | “The First Noel”

Fourth Lesson | Isaiah 60:1-3

Music | “King of Kings / Angels We Have Heard on High”


Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | 1 John 3-4 NRSV

Sermon | Love Incarnate: The Word of Life Revealed | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Fifth Lesson | Isaiah 61:1-3a

Music | “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”

Sending Forth 


Benediction | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Traditional Service

Gathering the Church

Prelude |

Call to Worship

Hymn | #384 “Love Divine All Loves Excelling” – BEECHER

Affirmation of Faith #881

Doxology | #95 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” – OLD 100th


Hymn | #242 “Love Came Down at Christmas” – GARTAN
sts. 1 & 2

Congregational Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Hymn | #242 “Love Came Down at Christmas” – GARTAN
sts. 3

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | 1 John 3-4 NRSV

Sermon | Love Incarnate: The Word of Life Revealed | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Anthem | “For Unto Us a Child Is Born” – G.F. Handel

Hymn Introduction

Hymn | #206 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” – HOUSTON

Benediction | The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans

Postlude |

Online Service

Welcome | Mat Hotho

Gathering the Church

Music | “”

Congregational Prayer

Proclamation of the Word

Scripture | 1 John 3-4 NRSV

Sermon | Love Incarnate: The Word of Life Revealed | The Rev. Magrey deVega

Response to the Word


Sending Forth

Music | “Little Drummer Boy”

Benediction | Mat Hotho

Family Circle

Healing Prayer
Karen Brown
Mike Sundar
Allison Dicus Thompson
Bette Whitley

Prayers for Cuba: Please join us in prayer for our brothers and sisters in the Bayamo region of eastern Cuba, who have also faced relentless challenges this year.

Sympathy to Joan Rhyne, Rick Rhyne, family and friends on the passing of Richard Rhyne, November 19.

We celebrate the Baptism of:

  • Vanessa Estela Clampitt, daughter of Brianna and Brian (9:30 a.m.)
  • Charley and Samford Seckinger, daughter and son of Rachel and Scott (9:30 a.m.)

The Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Warren and Mary Ellen Rendall and Harold and Jeane Buell by the Buell and the Garcia families.

Next Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 8

Love Incarnate: The Word of Life Revealed

1 John 3-4 NRSV

The Rev. Magrey deVega

 Jesus is love incarnate, the “word of life” revealed to us as a human of both “water and blood.” He shows us the way of love, which shapes our relationships with God and others.


Music in today’s services is covered under
OneLicense.net License #A-724828
CCLI License #1026477