Discipleship Pathway
The Discipleship Pathway is our distinctly United Methodist framework for helping people become and grow as disciples of Christ.
Seven spiritual practices comprise the Discipleship Pathway.
Three Corporate Practices
The primary focus of worship is on God. We celebrate God’s presence, hear the good news of God’s love in Christ, sing songs and hymns. And we experience God’s grace in the sacraments of Baptism and Communion.
Small Group Community
Gifts-Based Service
God wants you to be part of his transformation of the city and the world.
Four Individual Practices
Financial Generosity
There is a connection between our relationship to money and possessions and our relationship to God.
Scripture Reflection
As Christians, we read the Bible through the lens of Jesus. If you aren’t sure where to start, we provide Daily Scripture Readings that complement Sunday worship messages.
Invitational Evangelism
We invite others to experience the difference that the love of God has made in our lives and this world. It’s about relationships, conversations and opportunities to invite others on a journey.
Prayer is the discipline by which we share our life with God, and God shares life with us. Wherever you are, it is a conversation with God that grows and changes over time.
We created a mnemonic device—GRIP—to make these practices memorable: Give, Read Scripture, Invite, Pray.
Learn more about the Discipleship Pathway

“A Disciple’s Path” was co-authored by our former Senior Pastor the Rev. Jim Harnish and current pastor of The Portico location, the Rev. Justin LaRosa. Each session features an engaging DVD lesson featuring Jim and Justin, as well as the personal story of a member of Hyde Park United Methodist.