Preparation before Sunday:
• Speak positively about the experience and let your child(ren) know you are pleased they will be joining you.
• Read Sunday’s Scripture together. During the week, begin discussing your family’s expectations for worship behavior and participation.
• Set out clothes, Bibles and other Sunday items the night before to give yourself some extra time on Sunday morning.
Helping Your Child(ren) Engage through Participation:
• Help them follow the order of worship in the online bulletin.
• Have children who can write complete the attendance and prayer forms.
• Let the children put the money in the drop safe in the Narthex.
• Encourage the use of the children’s worship activity bags (greeters will be passing out before the service begins) as a way to remain engaged in worship.
• Consider your child’s personality and look for unique ways to keep them engaged in worship.
We understand having your children with you in worship sometimes requires an extra helping of patience, but we hope you will see it as special opportunity to spend time with your child and share the experience of worship together. It is good for them to see you worship!
“Above all, pray for your children with thanksgiving. Ask the Lord to help you see your children through his eyes. Ask his help for patience, wisdom and strength to enjoy these kids! The creative giftedness that can make many Sunday mornings long can also make great saints in the long run.”