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Dear Hyde Park Family,

At the time of this writing, we are still waiting for vote tallies from the general election. As your thoughts race and your emotions run high, I offer you some pastoral words of guidance and comfort.

  • Remember that the first thing God did to bring order out of chaos was to take a breath. (Genesis 1:2) Please do the same.
  • Elections are eventually decided. But they are not finish lines. They are mere mile markers in the long, hard road of perfecting our union. Elections remind us how divided we are. But they do not tell us that we have to remain that way.
  • Regardless of who you voted for, and for whatever issues led you to that vote, that work continues, and it is in our hands.
  • We must continue the work of dismantling racism.
  • Verify the validity of where you get your information. Follow news sources you trust, but don’t let it become a blind trust. And don’t post news on social media without fact checking first.
  • Acknowledge your own implicit bias in the way you perceive reality.
  • We grant great power to our elected leaders, but we do not give them all power. They cannot heal your broken relationships, or draw you closer to your loved ones and friends, or make you do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly. (Micah 6:8)
  • We are called to live with the kind of civility and decency that we should expect of our elected leaders.
  • Most importantly, remember that the kingdoms of this earth are ultimately inferior to the kingdom of God. (Revelation 11:15) Our primary allegiance is to God, not to our political systems, and we should not turn to them to bring us the kind of ultimate hope and security that only God can provide.

Take a moment to pray this Celtic benediction. My clergy colleague Steve Price shared it with our clergy covenant group following the election, and I find it to be very helpful.

O Sun behind all suns
O Soul within all souls
grant me the grace of the dawn’s glory
grant me the strength of the sun’s rays.
that I may be well in my own soul
and part of the world’s healing this day
that I may be well in my own soul
and part of the world’s healing this day.

Amen. May you be well in your soul, and be part of the world’s healing this day, and every day to come.

Grace and Peace,



Last Sunday, I announced the start of onsite worship on Sunday, Nov. 29. It will take place under the new ministry tent on the ministry office parking lot on the Hyde Park campus, in an outdoor setting that is currently safer than meeting indoors. It will be a 30-minute service featuring prayer, scripture reading, a sermon, and instrumental and vocal music. Stay tuned for more information over the weeks ahead.

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