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Sermon Archives

Our sermon archives is a resource for you wherever you are in your faith journey.

Bridging the Divide (March 23, 2025)

The cross does more than reconnect us with God—it calls us to reconcile with one another. In this powerful message, Pastor Magrey deVega shares personal experiences and truths about the work of racial reconciliation and the beauty of diversity in God’s kingdom. Through Jesus, we are not only restored to God but also called to bridge the divides of race and identity.

Reflection Questions:
1. When have you experienced significant struggle in matters of your own personhood and identity?
2. How have you harbored racism in your own heart?
3. How do you intend to be more anti-racist in your life, your relationships, and your actions in the world?

Find out more at HydeParkUMC.org/NextSteps

Music this week:

Less Like Me
Henry Bentley, Mia Fieldes, & Zach Williams
© 2019 Capital CMG Publishing, Anthems or Hope,
Be Essential Songs

Grace Alone - Molly Ijames (arr.)
© 2017, Universal Music
Onelicense.net License #A-724828

The Good Book


The Christmas Letters

Not the End of the World

Living Impact:
Built to Last

Living Impact:
Celebrating 125 Years of Making God’s Love Real

Branching Out:
Our Place in the Faith Family Tree

Voices of Inspiration:
Great Lives that Light Our Way

Hard to Believe:
Essential Yet Challenging Aspects of the Faith

Life’s Highs and Lows:
Navigating the Landscapes of the Soul

You are Not Alone:
Spiritual Insights for Creating Community

Audio Sermons

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