Dear Hyde Park Faithful:
As we begin a new year of ministry at the church, we want to say, “Thank you!” Because of your generosity and faithfulness, this church made a profound impact in our community and around the world in 2023.
- On Christmas Eve, 2,500 worshippers heard the good news of Christ’s birth, culminating a week of various services in which 4,000 people worshipped with us.
- Our Harnish Center has served as a cold weather shelter eight times last year and already once this year, serving up to 80 persons each night.
- Weekly worship attendance continues to be at or above pre-pandemic levels, and reaching new people through our online service, our Hyde Park services, and our 1001 gathering at The Portico.
- Our children, youth, and Small Blessings preschool ministries have done amazing ministry to the young people and families in our congregation. We also opened a brand-new, beautiful playground on the Hyde Park campus.
- We served over 9,000 meals at the Hyde Park and Portico campuses to people experiencing homelessness. We are also among the first institutions to receive Breadcoin to serve our unhoused guests, which you can read about [PROVIDE LINK, BELOW]
- We gained over 90 new members, welcomed 28 baptisms, and had over 3,000 hours of personal contact through our congregational care volunteers.
- Our most recent generosity campaign has brought in over 40 new commitments, and over 140 people who are increasing their pledge from last year.
- And because of your faithful giving, we were able to finish 2023 with a surplus, enabling us to cover all our church expenditures and fund major improvements.
This spirit of joy and excitement is captured beautifully by a woman named Donna N., who said, “After leaving the church where I had grown up and served for more than 50 years, I didn’t know if I would ever find a place that felt like home again. Then a friend invited me to Hyde Park and after one visit, I knew I was home.”
You helped us finish last year strong, and you are helping us make 2024 even more amazing. This Sunday, at our annual church conference, the Finance Committee will propose a budget that meets our threshold of being underwritten by your pledges. It once again promises to be an exciting year of ministries and programs for our community and our world.
Thank you, Hyde Park, for making a difference, and for making God’s love real!
With Gratitude,

Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist
We continue our worship series “You are Not Alone” by exploring our most personal relationships of all: those within our own families. We’ll listen for what Paul said to the Ephesians, and discover ways to strengthen our relationships with our own family members.
Coinciding with our January sermon series “You Are Not Alone,” we will be offering another FREE seminar by licensed psychologist, Dr. Erica J. Clark. It takes place on Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 6:30pm. She will be discussing a variety of topics including fostering new connections, communicating effectively, building healthy boundaries and navigating conflict. Learn more and register here.