Dear Hyde Park Family,
Happy National Limerick Day!
I know; today’s observance was likely not on your calendar. It wasn’t on mine, either, until I randomly checked this website yesterday. In case you’re wondering, today is also International Nurses Day, National Odometer Day, and National Nutty Fudge Day.
So, to commemorate this weird convergence of celebrations, let me offer you this greeting:
When too many brownies immerse us,
And hospital care is disbursed us,
With their cheery smile
Going the extra mile
We give thanks for the work of our nurses!
Okay, I didn’t say I was good at writing limericks.
Maybe you could give it a try, and share with me anything fun and creative you come up with. In the meantime, as part of our current series Rise: 12 Steps with Jesus, I thought I would try writing a limerick for each of the steps we have covered so far:
Our sins feel like they will devour us,
They can even seem to overpower us.
So, we must take a flier,
On a Power that’s Higher,
And admit, against sin, we are powerless.
A Power that’s Higher? How can it be?
That amid all of my life’s inanity,
I’ve come to perceive
That I must believe
That God can restore me to sanity.
So instead of being a pretender,
And being a sin self-defender,
I’ll give God my will
And promise God still
To turn over my life in surrender.
With all my resentments and fears,
That I’ve carried on down through the years,
I’ll write them all down,
Do a thorough breakdown
In an inventory that’s plain and clear.
But I won’t keep this list to myself,
Tucked and hidden on some dusty shelf.
This list, I won’t hide;
In someone, I’ll confide.
Confession can bring hope, in itself.
Join us this Sunday as we continue our journey by exploring Steps 6 and 7, and discover new life one step at a time!
Grace and Peace,
The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist
Starting Friday, June 3, Horizon Church (a United Methodist congregation) will be worshipping in our Magnolia building on Friday evenings for the next several months. Horizon will be moving to a permanent location off Gandy Blvd. later in 2022. Click here to watch a special announcement video featuring me and Horizon co-pastors Erica and Chris Allen. This is an opportunity for us to live out our core value of being Connection-Committed, and displaying the value of our United Methodist connectional system.