813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

June 23 – 27, 2025!

Finding Your Way in a World Gone Wild

Cost: $50 for rising Preschool – Grade 4 and $75 for rising Grades 5 and 6.

Schedule: Monday – Friday, 9:00AM – 12:00PM.

* Note: rising 5th and 6th graders have extended programming (until 3 p.m.) Tuesday and Thursday during VBS


Ready to scale new heights with the True North VBS volunteer team?

Adult and youth volunteer registration is now open! Early child registration is available for adult volunteers upon completion of the volunteer form.

Mini-VBS and Nursery care is available for children of volunteers. This is not a drop-off program but reserved for those volunteering. A link will be available once adult registration has been completed.

Volunteer Training: Thank you for serving at TRUE NORTH VBS! Please mark your calendar for our mandatory VBS Volunteer Training on Wednesday, June 18 at 5:45 p.m.


Decorations and Construction: If you like crafting, being creative or even using a hammer, join the VBS Construction & Decoration Team on select Thursday mornings (9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m.).

Amazon Wish List: Have a heart to serve but limited time? Check out this amazon wishlist for VBS supply needs!

Have questions? Ask us here or contact the church office at 813-253-5388.

Day 1 – June 23

When we wonder, we can trust Jesus.

Day 2 – June 24

When we feel alone, we can trust Jesus.

Day 3 – June 25

When we feel powerless, we can trust Jesus.

Day 4 – June 26

When we need hope, we can trust Jesus.


Day 5 – June 27

When we need help, we can trust Jesus.
What crew is my child in?

A parent email will be sent the week before VBS to all parents of registered children with crew information. This email will also contain pick-up passes which must be shown to your child’s crew leader at dismissal/pick up each day.

How does drop off / pick up work?

Morning drop off: Campers should be seated in the Sanctuary with their crew by 9 a.m. for opening worship each day. Doors open at 8:50 a.m., please escort your child inside the Sanctuary to their crew’s pew and drop off to their crew leaders.

Afternoon pick up: Dismissal will start at 12:10 p.m. each day.* Children should be picked up from their crew pew in the Sanctuary.

*Note: rising 5th and 6th graders will have extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday with dismissal at 3 p.m. from the Magnolia building. Dismissal on Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be from the Sanctuary balcony at 12:15 p.m.

What does my kid wear to VBS?

Each day your child should wear their VBS T-shirt. T-shirts can be picked up each Sunday in June in the Courtyard from 9 a.m. – noon. T-shirts can also be picked up in the church’s Ministry Office 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., Monday-Thursday. Shirts must be picked up by Sunday, June 23. If we have shirts left over, additional shirts can be purchased beginning Wednesday of VBS week (at the VBS info tent in the Sanctuary Courtyard. $5 each).

Please use a black Sharpie marker to write your child’s first name and crew number on the FRONT of the shirt. This will act as their nametag (Using a flat cardboard piece inside the shirt helps when you do this). We also suggest comfortable shorts and closed-toed shoes for their safety.

What if I can't pick up my child - can another parent, friend or grandparent pick them up?

YES, BUT THEY WILL NEED TO HAVE A COMPLETED PICK-UP PASS FOR YOUR CHILD TO PRESENT TO YOUR CHILD’S CREW LEADER. We are accepting pictures of completed Pick-Up Passes on smart phones as well. If your child’s pick-up person does not have a pass, they will be asked to go to our info tent outside in the Courtyard. They will need to show their driver’s license and we will check registration forms to see who has been authorized to pick up your child. If you did not list them as an authorized person to pick up your child in your child’s registration, we will call you to confirm authorization.

Will there be a 'VBS Recap Video' this year?

Yes! Join us for worship Sunday, June 30.