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The Annunciation (in Rhymed Narration)

Dear Hyde Park Family,

We are ten days away from that grand, holy night
When we’ll gather for carols and warm candlelight

To celebrate Christmas, and Jesus Christ’s birth
And God’s gift of love given to the whole earth

But first there’s this Sunday: Advent Week Three!
When we will thank God for the girl named Mary!

We’ll re-read her story, in Luke chapter one
When God called on her to give birth to a Son.

What was it like, as that story unfolded?
When Mary was called, as Isaiah foretold it?

“A young woman will come and give birth to a boy
Immanuel’s the name that this boy will employ.”

Well, come with me now, to that most holy scene,
And imagine with me all that we would have seen.

Back two thousand years, to zero B.C.
(Or as academics might say, back to 4 B.C.E.)

We come to her home, and we knock on her door
We hear footsteps approaching, from the indoors

She appears before us, and the first thing we see,
Is that Mary’s so young! Just barely a teen!

What we also can see is how common she appears
No glitz, and no sparkle, not mature past her years

As a girl, she’s quite plain in a quite troubled time
Could this be what Isaiah said would be God’s sign?

Then suddenly, from nowhere, with a loud boom
Came the presence of something quite big in the room

We jump to our feet! We jump here and there!
For an angel’s appeared here, right out of thin air!

“Mary” he says to her, “Peace be with you”
“The Lord is with you and he favors you, too”

We all look at Mary, and she’s white as a ghost
She’s never played host to a Heavenly Host

What is this girl thinking, while she’s standing right there?
Is she frightened with fear, is she gripped with a scare?

Then we see, in her eyes: she is troubled, confused.
(If to you came an angel, wouldn’t you be so, too?)

She’s a normal young teen in a Nazareth town
Just the typical type that we’d see all around

In a sense, she’s no different from the you’s and the me’s
So she wonders, “Why me, Lord? Tell me, won’t you please?”

We guess the angel reads minds, ‘cause he rightly reads ours
He says, “Don’t be afraid, Mary.” And he says this with power:

“God has richly blessed you, and soon you will give birth
To God’s one only Son, the Messiah, on earth.”

“God will make him a king, somewhat like ones you’ve known
Just like David his ancestor was king long ago.”

“He will be a great king, over all Jacob’s kin
And the kingdom he rules?  It will never end.”

Then Mary opened her mouth, and she sounded quite tense
As she started to speak, her words really made sense.

She said, “How can this be, I am such a young girl!”
I cannot be pregnant, there’s no way in the world!”

(She does make a point, she’s not married just yet
And the baby-maker-kit is a two-person set!)

Then the angel replied, his voice strong and secure
He responded with words that were divinely assured:

“The Spirit of God upon you will arrive”
And then in your womb the Messiah will thrive.”

“God’s power will rest upon you and this one;
For this reason, your child will be called God’s Only Son

“And in case you forget this, please let me remind you
Of this one certain truth: there’s nothing God cannot do.”

We are speechless by now, and not one of us speaks
We’ve lost touch with reality, in some bad campy flick

And again, we see Mary. She’s different somehow
No longer afraid, she’s more confident now

She says, “I am the Lord’s; may this happen to me.”
Then the angel, at once, could no longer be seen.

We stand blinking, perplexed, trying to pick up the clues
Is the prophet’s prediction now coming true?

Could it be, we now wonder, that our wait is no more?
Isaiah’s words are fulfilled, as we’d heard them before?

The young woman foretold in the days from the past
Is this Mary, this one who was least of the last

And Jesus Christ, God with us, this boy Immanuel
Will come down to earth to proclaim, “All is Well!”

Here is what’s powerful to hear every Christmas:
It’s not just that God came, but how God comes to us

God came through some people, just like you and like me
Not special-brand people, just from good family trees

When God’s Love Became Real in a most holy birth
God chose plain, simple folks, the most common on earth

So it shows that when God does extraordinary deeds
God prefers to use folks just like you and like me

You don’t need special training, or a call to the cloth
You don’t need to use words like “Thus sayeth” and “Doth”

All God wants from you now is a true, open heart
To say yes to the Lord when God gives you your part

In a tension-filled world that is battered and bruised
In a time when deep anger and resentment are fused

When we wonder how God might come redeem us again
When we wonder how God might come save us from sin

There is only one answer, from the Bible we’ve heard
That we’re Joseph and Mary and we can bear God’s Word

Will you choose today to say yes to God’s call?
To say yes to the one who was born in a stall?

Will you not wait to have it all start to make sense
And like Mary declare to God obedience?

The world needs Christ today, and to that there’s no doubt
The Christ that’s within you, you must boldly give out.

In the name of our God who created the heavens,
And redeems us, sustains us, we all say, Amen.

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

Let’s Get This Straight

Dear Advent Pilgrims,

This Sunday our attention turns to John the Baptist, a persistent presence every Advent journey. He meets us, whether we are ready for him or not, to echo the challenge by the prophet Isaiah, the original “voice crying from the wilderness:”

“Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight.”

The word “straight” is Mark’s favorite word. Its Greek form occurs seventeen times throughout his gospel, but it is translated in different ways. It most often occurs as immediately, (or “straightaway,” in the King James Version), which we tend to associate with being “instantaneous.”

But it also has the sense of being “straight up” or “straight forward.” Consider how this nuance changes the way some of these passages in Mark might be read:

  • “Then Jesus perceived with clarity and focusin his spirit that they were discussing these questions among themselves.” (Mark 2:8)

  • “But when the grain is ripe, he goes in with his sickle with discipline and efficiency, because the harvest has come.” (Mark 4:29)
  • “But Jesus spoke to them with straight talk, and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’” (Mark 6:50)
  • “Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well.’ Then he was able to see straight and true and followed him on the way.” (Mark 10:52

From the beginning of his gospel until the very end, Mark’s primary concern is that we understand that living the life of Jesus involves focus, discipline, and intentionality. Follow the commandments. Don’t deviate. Stay focused and don’t lose track.

Our Advent series is called “What God Wants for Christmas,” and John calls us to put this one thing at the top of our gift-giving lift. Give God your obedience to the way and will of Christ in your life. Spend time over these coming days to confess openly and prayerfully all those things that have kept you from a full and free obedience to God.

According to Mark, there can be no better preparation for Christmas than the one you do in your own soul. Let us all prepare the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight.
Advent Blessings,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

An Exciting Year Ahead

Dear Hyde Park Family,

With Advent starting this Sunday, it is the official start of the new Christian liturgical year. We look forward to a fresh arrival of Jesus Christ in our lives, and anticipate all that God will be doing in and through this church throughout the upcoming year.

So, in that spirit of anticipation, today’s Midweek Message is a sneak peek into an exciting year of worship in 2024:

2024 Worship Series

You are Not Alone: Spiritual Insights for Creating Community

January 7 to February 11

We crave connection with one another, along with healthy, life-giving relationships that enable us to live fully as God intends it. This series will explore various kinds of human connection and discover spiritual insights for helping us have healthier friendships and families, and a stronger social fabric.

January 7                       “You are Not Alone”                                       Genesis 2:15-25

January 14                    “Baptized into Community”                               Mark 4:1-11

January 21                     “Stronger Families”                                  Ephesians 5:21-33

January 28                     “Stronger Friendships”                         Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

February 4                     “A Stronger Social Fabric”                         Romans 12:9-21



In the Shadow of the Cross: Joining Jesus on the Road to Calvary

February 14 to March 24

Lent is a time of introspection and obedience. Each Sunday, we will center on various aspects of our lives that we should surrender to God, and exchange them for the cross. We will remember that Jesus not only died on the cross in our place, he showed us how to take up the cross and die to ourselves, so that we can experience the new life and transformation of Easter.

February 14                   Ashes to Ashes                                   Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

February 18                   How to Be Temptation Tough                         Mark 1:9-15

February 25                   Losing Life to Gain It                                          Mark 8:31-38

March 3                           The Tables Have (Over)turned                      John 2:13-22

March 10                        Preferring to Stay in the Dark                        John 3:14-21

March 17                       What Goes Down Will Come Up               John 12:20-33

March 24                       From Hosanna to Crucify Him                      Mark 11:1-11

March 31                       Easter Sunday: From Death to Life!              Mark 16:1-8


Life’s Highs and Lows: Navigating the Landscapes of the Soul

April 7 to May 12

From one day to the next, even one moment to the next, it can feel like going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. It is no surprise that the Bible is filled with numerous landscape images that depict the varieties of human experience. This series explores the various biblical settings that describe aspects of being human, and encourages us to trust in God and seek the companionship of others along the way.

April 7               Mountains: Moments of Celebration                              Psalm 121

April 14             Valleys: Seasons of Loss and Grief                                       Psalm 23

April 21             Deserts: Times of Loneliness and Anxiety          Psalm 107:1-9

April 28             Skies: Times of Hope and Promise                    1 Kings 18:42-46

May 5                 Rivers: Places of Refreshment and Renewal                   Psalm 1

May 12              Roads: Strength for the Journey Ahead         Psalm 119:27-40

May 19               The Power of the Spirit (Pentecost Sunday)           Acts 2:1-15


Hard to Believe: Essential But Challenging Aspects of the Faith

May 26 to June 23

The Christian faith is filled with many wondrous propositions, each of which stretch our thinking and remind us that God is beyond our ability to fully comprehend them. At the same time, these ideas can be so challenging that they prompt moments of skepticism, and even disbelief. Each of these Sundays explores a different, central aspect of the Christian faith and unpacks it using the resources of Scripture, tradition, experience, and reason, enabling us to embrace these essential tenets with a refreshed ability to believe.

May 26              The Trinity: How Can Three Equal One?

June 2                Human and Divine: How Could Jesus Be Both?

June 9                Qualities of God: All Present, Knowing, and Powerful?

June 16              Suffering and Evil: The Impossible Chess Match

June 23             Prayer: What Good Does it Do?


Voices of Inspiration: Great Lives that Light Our Way

June 30 to August 4

The history of the church is filled with luminaries of the faith, who reveal aspects of holy living that strengthen and encourage us. Each Sunday we will not just remember the story of their lives; we will lean into their example, and explore how we can carry on their legacy through the way we live.

June 30             Dietrich Bonhoeffer

July 7                 Mother Theresa

July 14               Howard Thurman

July 21               Mahalia Jackson

July 28               Mary McLeod Bethune

August 4            Oscar Romero


Branching Out: Our Place in the Faith Family Tree

August 11 to 25

As United Methodists, we recognize that we are part of a grander connection throughout the world, with people of faith beyond United Methodism and Christianity. This series explores “where we fit” in the family tree of Christian denominations, how we relate to people of other religions, and even our posture of humble witness and profession with people who are irreligious or formerly religious.

August 11        The Catholic Spirit: Our Relationship with Other             Denominations

August 18        Outside Christianity: Our Relationship with Other Faith Traditions

August 25         Out on a Limb: Our Relationship with Non-Believers


Foundations for the Future: Celebrating Our 125th Anniversary

September 1 to 15

In 1899, a group of 30 people from First Methodist in Tampa crossed the Hillsborough River to begin meeting in a two-room schoolhouse at the corner of Platt and Magnolia. 125 years later, we are living into a legacy that has proclaimed the good news of Jesus and built the kingdom of God for generations. This three-part worship series celebrates the grace of God and the history of our church, and points us toward an exciting future for generations to come.

September 1                 The Church’s One Foundation

September 8                 Making God’s Leave Real: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

September 15               I Love to Tell the Story: Our 125th Anniversary Celebration


Built to Last: Becoming the Church God Intends

September 22 to October 27

A natural and important follow-up to our 125th Anniversary Celebration is a season of recommitment to grow deeper as disciples, widen our reach to others, and be united in mission to love God and love all. This five-part series reviews the five-fold membership vow that declares our support to God’s mission in our church.

September 22               Prayers

September 29               Presence

October 6                       Gifts

October 13                     Service (Missions Celebration Sunday)

October 20                    Witness/Invitation

October 27                     Commitment Sunday


Not the End of the World: Hope in Jesus During Difficult Times

November 3-24

These scriptures invite us all to ask where God is when things go wrong. In a world caught up in a negative news cycle, the texts that speak to hopelessness, fear, and even the close of history can teach us much about remaining faithful in difficult times. This series will help us remain hopeful, even when the headlines seem out of control.

November 3                  The Work of Waiting                      Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4

November 10                 Skipping to the End                           2 Thess. 2:1-5, 13-17

November 17                 Full Disclosure                                                      Luke 21:5-19

November 24                Proving Who You Are                                     Luke 23:33-43


The Christmas Letters: An Advent Invitation from the Epistles

December 3 to 24

This Advent we will explore aspects of the incarnation of Jesus through scriptures from Romans, Colossians, Philippians, and 1 John, along with the birth narratives in the gospels. The series will be based on my upcoming book of the same title, to be published by Abingdon Press.

December 1            Good News: Hope for Salvation                        Romans 1:1-6

December 8            Love Incarnate: The Word of Life Reveale          1 John 3-4

December 15         Fully Human: Joy in Humility                     Philippians 2:1-11

December 22          Fully Divine: Peace through Christ        Colossians 2:6-15

December 24           God’s Downward Mobility                                      Luke 2:1-20


Next year promises to be filled with excitement, joy, and wisdom. I am eager to take this journey with you in 2024!

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

A Thanksgiving Blessing

Dear Hyde Park Family:

Rejoice always. Pray continually.
Give thanks in every situation
because this is God’s will
for you in Christ Jesus.
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

As we enter these days of giving thanks with loved ones and friends, consider these words from John Wesley, in his commentary on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18:

Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer:
it is almost essentially connected with it.
He that always prays is ever giving praise,
whether in ease or pain,
both for prosperity and for the greatest adversity.

He blesses God for all things,
looks on them as coming from him,
and receives them only for his sake;
not choosing nor refusing,
liking nor disliking, anything,
but only as it is agreeable or disagreeable
to his perfect will.

On behalf of the clergy, staff, and lay leadership of Hyde Park United Methodist Church, I wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

An Enneagram Thanksgiving

November 16, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

Over the past three Wednesday nights, I have had the fun of teaching a class on the Enneagram, a personality type indicator that guides self-discovery, offers awareness of one’s strengths and shadows, and enhances relationships with others. Every time I offer the class, I learn more about each of the nine types, including greater understanding of my own. (Type 6, in case you are familiar with it.)

With Thanksgiving next week, I have been pondering what each of the nine styles would be most grateful for in their lives, in their relationships, and in their faith. So, I wrote the following as a kind of litany that you might find meaningful, whether or not you know your own Enneagram type.

An Enneagram Thanksgiving

Type 1, The Perfectionist: I am grateful for God’s goodness and righteousness, which enables us to live moral and ethical lives. And I am grateful for God’s forgiveness, which redeems me when I go astray.

Type 2, The Helper: I am grateful for God’s love, which enables me to be generous and self-sacrificial in addressing the needs of others. And I am grateful for how that love is unconditional, which shows me how to love myself.

Type 3, The Performer: I am grateful for God’s excellence, which urges me to offer God my very best, in every aspect of my life. And I am grateful for how God’s is teaching me not to avoid failure, but to embrace it as a teacher and guide.

Type 4, The Artist: I am grateful for God’s beauty all around me, which allows me to transform the hurt and suffering within and around me into something that is exceptional, beautiful, and inspirational to others. And I am grateful for how God is showing me humility, through the example of Jesus.

Type 5, The Thinker: I am grateful for God’s wisdom, which enables me to experience the thrill of discovery through intellect and reason. And I am grateful for how God is helping me to embrace mystery and the unknown, so that I can be more connected to God and others.

Type 6, The Loyalist: I am grateful for God’s commandments, which creates order out of chaos, and aligns me and others to live together as God intends. And I am grateful for how God is helping me to embrace my fears, trust my gut, and take a risk whenever necessary.

Type 7, The Adventurer: I am grateful for God’s joy, which addresses the pain and suffering in my life and others, and helps me to savor all the delights and adventures that are around me. And I am grateful for how God is helping me to acknowledge pain, rather than escape or avoid it.

Type 8, The Leader: I am grateful for God’s power, which is made perfect in my weakness, helps me overcome my limitations, and enables me to empower others. And I am grateful for the gift of repentance and humility, which helps me to live in God’s strength, rather than in denial.

Type 9, The Peacemaker: I am grateful for God’s peace, which seeks the wholeness and health of all creation and within my own self. I am thankful for the harmony of the natural world, and for moments when I feel calm and settled. And I am grateful for times of conflict, which push me and others into new understandings and possibilities for growth.

Most of all, I am grateful for Jesus Christ, who is the perfect reflection of all nine dimensions of humanity, and is the full expression of God’s divinity. In him, and through him, we have all that we need.

And for that, let us be thankful.

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

A Penny For a Memory

November 9, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

Years ago, Grace asked me to describe my happiest memories. I told her about the time she and her sister were born, about the day I married their mother, and about the night I was ordained a minister. She agreed that those were good memories and felt satisfied by those answers.

But here’s a thought experiment. What if she had asked me to assign a monetary figure to those memories? What if she had asked, “Daddy, what is the monetary equivalent of those memories? How much money would I need to have in order to feel as happy as any of those events?”

I know; that’s a really odd question. But it’s one that an Australian professor named Paul Fritjers asked back in 2009, as the culmination of a surprising eight-year study. After surveying 10,000 people, he developed dollar value equivalents for the emotional effects of events such as marriage, childbirth, divorce, and home purchases. Positive dollar amounts indicated “psychic benefits,” and negative dollar amounts showed “psychic costs.”

For example, here are some of his conclusions:

  • A man getting married feels like he just received $32,000. To women, it only feels like $16,000.
  • Divorce feels like a $110,000 loss to a man, but only $9,000 to a woman.
  • The death of a spouse or a child feels like minus -$130,900 to a woman, and a whopping -$627,300 deficit to a man.
  • And moving into a new home? A positive $2,600 for a woman, and a negative -$16,000 to a man.

Frijters suggested that the study’s value might be in assisting insurance companies and lawyers in assigning dollar compensations for certain life events. He summarizes his study with this statement: “Losing or gaining money can offset the effect of other life events quite well, and that is what we are formally looking at – the amount needed to offset an event or keep someone happiness-neutral.”

Oof. I don’t know about you, but the word outlandish comes to mind.

You know as well as I do: you cannot quantify your feelings with dollar signs, and you cannot put a price tag on life’s most significant moments. Yet that is a message embedded in our natural urge to accumulate more material goods and earthly treasure. The only solution to this kind of wayward thinking is to align our finances around the biblical principles of generosity. It’s captured in Jesus’ words to his disciples:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Luke 6:19-21)

This Sunday, we continue in our Generosity Campaign Love for All with an exploration of Paul’s teachings on money, contentment, and generosity in 1 Timothy 6. We’ll hear more stories of transformation through the work of this church, especially at our downtown Portico location. And, we will lift up a reminder for you to prayerfully fill out your estimate of giving card by Commitment Sunday, November 19, so that the Finance Committee can responsibly plan for all the exciting ministries and programs for 2024.

By God’s grace, may we experience true joy, through contentment and generosity.

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

Something God Alone Can See

November 2, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

This Sunday will be an especially poignant All Saints’ worship service for me. Over the past year, several influential people in my life have died, people who were formative to my Christian journey and my ministerial calling. There is my high school Bible teacher Bruce Strickland, my high school administrator Rita Smith, and my lifelong mentor and senior pastor Jack Stroman. I have written and preached about each of these people over the last several months.

One other person I will be remembering is C. Frederick Harrison, or “Mr. Fred,” who was the longtime Director of Music Ministries at Pasadena Community Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, my home church. Mr. Fred had a remarkable ministry, directing choirs of all ages, including the youth choir in which I sang when I was in the youth group. Every fall, we would have a Music Ministries Sunday, when all of our groups and ensembles would perform in worship, and we would celebrate the fact that the number of volunteer musicians and vocalists under Mr. Fred’s care was larger than the membership in most congregations in the Florida Annual Conference.

In the 1980s, Mr. Fred developed a close friendship with a well-known composer named Natalie Sleeth, who had become famous for her moving anthems and hymns. In the spring of 1985, Pasadena Community Church hosted a music festival honoring Mrs. Sleeth, performing many of her best-known works.

Mr. Fred requested that Mrs. Sleeth compose a special anthem for that festival, for his Chancel Choir to perform as a debut in her honor. Mrs. Sleeth obliged, and she wrote what would become one of our most beloved hymns.

It is titled “Hymn of Promise,” which she composed in honor of her husband Rev. Dr. Ronald Sleeth, who had been diagnosed with cancer. Just weeks after the hymn’s debut at Pasadena, he died. Read the deep and profound lyrics below, and watch it performed here.   

“Hymn of Promise”

Natalie Sleeth

In the bulb, there is a flower
In the seed, an apple tree
In cocoons, a hidden promise
Butterflies will soon be free

In the cold and snow of winter
There’s a spring that waits to be
Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see

There’s a song in every silence
Seeking word and melody
There’s a dawn in every darkness
Bringing hope to you and me

From the past will come the future
What it holds, a mystery
Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see

In our end is our beginning
In our time, infinity
In our doubt, there is believing
In our life, eternity

In our death, a resurrection
At the last, a victory

Unrevealed until its season
Something God alone can see

After its debut in our church in 1985, its popularity soared. It became a fixture in worship at Pasadena; my dad says it is his favorite hymn. When The United Methodist Hymnal was revised in 1989, Hymn of Promise was included, just four years after its debut. To this day, it is a favorite feature of many funeral and memorial services.

This Sunday, I will join you in remembering those persons who have played an influential role in your life. I will remember Bruce, Rita, Jack, and Mr. Fred. And I will join you in remembering all the saints, that “in their death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory.”

“Unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.”

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

Passion and Compassion

October 19, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

Near the start of my ministry 25 years ago, I attended a clergy gathering at the Life Enrichment Center in Leesburg, Florida. The featured speaker was Dr. Paul Chilcote, a professor of Wesley Studies.

In that lecture, he spoke about John Wesley’s two conversion experiences. It was an intriguing premise. I had known about his first conversion, the fabled moment on Aldersgate Street in which he felt his heart “strangely warmed” after hearing Martin Luther’s preface to the book of Romans. In that moment, Dr. Chilcote said Wesley gained a “passion for the truth,” in which he received assurance for his salvation.

But then Chilcote said there was a second conversion for John Wesley. It occurred as he took to the streets, the open fields, the coal mines, all throughout England, preaching good news. Along the way, Wesley experienced up close the real needs of those who were hurting and suffering: the poor, the sick, the undereducated, the incarcerated. It was in this time that Wesley developed a “compassion for people.”

Chilcote said that both of these ideas – a passion for the truth and a compassion for people – gave Wesley a stereoscopic, multidimensional view of the power of the gospel. Not just to get people into heaven after they die, but to care for their wholeness and wellbeing during their time on earth.

Wesley’s two-fold conversion continues to be at the heart of what it means to be the United Methodist Church today. And it is why our denomination is so committed to not just preaching the gospel, but also to local and global missions efforts, from schools to clinics, from recovery centers to disaster relief, from peacebuilding to health and wellness efforts around the world.


So, I can think of few better people to be our guest preacher for this week’s Missions Celebration Sunday than Dr. Paul Chilcote. He continues to offer profound insights into our Wesleyan heritage and practice, especially during this time of renewal within the continuing United Methodist Church.

You will certainly want to join us this Sunday, either in person or online, as we recognize and pray for all our missions partners. We will also have available two of his latest books, Multiplying Love and Active Faith, which he will be available to sign after each service.

This Sunday will be one of great joy and celebration, and I am thrilled to have you hear from one of our most inspiring and compelling United Methodist voices today.

See you Sunday!

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

Living Sabbath

October 5th, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

How noisy is your life?

 Bernie Krause is a noted “soundscape artist,” producing albums of sounds found in nature. He has said that in 1968, in order to get one hour of natural sound – no cars, planes, or machines of any kind – it took about 15 hours of recording time. Today, to get that same hour of natural sound, it requires over 2,000 hours of recording time! We are bombarded by the sounds of a noisy world, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to escape it.

But this is nothing compared to the noise within us. If it were possible to make a soundscape recording of your mind and heart, how long would it take to record an hour of mental and emotional quiet? Probably even longer than 2,000 hours, right? We hear the constant drone of deadlines, pressures, and to-do lists, along with the heavy pulsing of anxieties, sadness, and fear.

 Over and against this backdrop of noise, the scriptures call us to observe a command rooted in the earliest days of creation:

 “So then, a Sabbath rest still remains for the people of God; for those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors as God did from his.” (Hebrews 4:9-10)

 Wayne Muller, in his classic book: Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest and Delight, offers this poignant reminder to live a life shaped by intentional spiritual rest:

 “Like a path through the forest, Sabbath creates a marker for ourselves so, if we are lost, we can find our way back to our center. ‘Remember the Sabbath’ means ‘Remember that everything you have received is a blessing. Remember to delight in your life, in the fruits of your labor. Remember to stop and offer thanks for the wonder of it.’ Remember, as if we would forget. Indeed, the assumption is that we will forget. And history has proven that, given enough time, we will.”

 What might it mean for you to recapture this ancient practice of renewal and re-creation?

  • It could mean having a silent retreat, for a day or a weekend. No cell phones, no laptops, and no talking.
  • It could mean going without television or internet for a period of time, using the time instead in the quiet of one’s home or the outdoors.
  • It could mean simply carving out a fixed amount of time each day – 30 minutes, or an hour or more – to intentionally retreat, listen for God, and be quiet.

One of the foremost authorities on spiritual disciplines, Richard Foster, suggests that homeowners actually build into their home plans a specific room for solitude. Just like there are designated rooms for eating, sleeping, and entertaining, he suggests creating a space that offers a place of uninterrupted silence. In lieu of a whole room, the family may have a designated chair or sofa where the person is not to be interrupted.

 Living Sabbath requires intentionality, and it need not be exclusively defined by an hour at church on Sunday morning. Rest, renewal, and re-connection with God ought to happen regularly, without fail.

 Happy Sabbath keeping,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

We continue our worship series “Good and Faithful: Life Done Well” with an exploration of love, one of the five core qualities of Christian ethical and moral character. We will also be integrating a story and song from live musical theater. To watch all the prior services in this series, click here. For additional resources for each of the themes of these series, including video clips of the songs, click here.

God’s Remedy For a Broken World

September 28, 2023

Dear Hyde Park Family,

But let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. (Amos 5:24)

Years ago, I had a seminary instructor say that no prospective minister should graduate from seminary without being able to fully explain the biblical concept of justice. It is, in his opinion, the single most important theological idea in the Christian faith.

What do you think of when you think of justice? Maybe the first image that pops into your mind is the Lone Ranger or Dirty Harry. Perhaps it’s something like vigilante justice: an eye for an eye, dishing out to people what they deserve.

When the Bible speaks about justice, it’s not like that. It’s not about retribution or revenge. Jesus said, “You say an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say, pray for your enemies, and bless those who persecute you.”

In the Bible, the opposite of justice is not injustice, or even mere criminality. It is brokenness. A world that lacks justice is fractured and tarnished, from its most basic units to the widest scale:

  • It is a family where members are no longer willing to speak to each other.
  • It is a community where opportunities for people to thrive are diminished, and there is a growing gap between the flourishing and the suffering.
  • It is a religious environment in which churches are part of the problem, rather than the solution.
  • It is a planet where the environment is hemorrhaging from misuse and abuse.

And the only thing that can bring a remedy to this brokenness is not revenge or retribution. God’s remedy for a broken world is a more wholistic vision of justice.

Biblical justice is closely related to the Hebrew word shalom. We most commonly translate that word as peace, but there is much more to it than that. It is more than just the absence of conflict; it means bringing healing and restoration.

  • Justice is what happens when a perpetrator confesses, a victim forgives, and a relationship is restored.
  • Justice is what happens a cycle of revenge is broken with a surprising act of grace.
  • Justice is what happens when people see themselves as connected to each other and the earth rather than exercising domination.
  • Justice is what happens when warring parties see the image of God in each other, and therefore see one another as equals.

We’ll explore this theme further as part of our worship series “Good and Faithful,” and discover how justice is a central part of Christian character. And, as with every Sunday in this series, we’ll bring in a story, illustration, and song from live theater. Additional resources for each of these themes can be found here.

Grace, Peace, and Justice,

The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist