813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

You’ve Gotta See This!

Dear Hyde Park Family,

Back in 1993, while walking through Tyrone Square Mall in St. Petersburg, I saw my first Magic Eye 3D image. Or at least I tried to see it.

In case you’d never heard of them, Magic Eye 3D images are computer-generated pictures that on the surface, appear to be little more than colorful repeating patterns of lines and shapes. But if you stare at them long enough in a certain way, you begin to see an amazing, three-dimensional image pop out of the picture.

There was a display of them in the center of the mall that day, surrounded by a crowd of mallgoers who were captivated by them. After figuring out how to see them, I steadily moved from picture to picture, in awe of each one.

I was with a friend of mine who couldn’t figure out how to see it.

So, I did my best to explain it to them. “Okay. First you stand about three feet away from the image. Then stare into the middle of the picture, letting your eyes cross. Just a bit. Not too much. Then, let the picture get a bit fuzzy, see, so that you don’t focus on the shapes. Don’t focus on the shapes! Eventually, you’ll see patterns hidden in the shapes. And try not to blink, or you’ll lose concentration, and don’t focus on the glare in the glass, or your reflection. And whatever you do, just relax!”

Despite my yammering (or, perhaps, because of it), my friend still didn’t get it.

“Oh, just keep trying!” I exclaimed, “You’ve gotta see this!”

To which my friend, now more disgruntled with me than with their inability to see the image, responded sternly: “I don’t … gotta … do anything.”

I deserved that.


I imagine that a similar scene unfolded soon after the resurrected Jesus had appeared to all the remaining disciples except for Thomas. They must have peppered him for a full week. “C’mon, Thomas! We saw it with our own eyes! You’ll have to believe us! And you can believe it, too.”

“You’ve gotta see this!”

If we’re honest, there is a bit of Thomas in each of us. There is much about the Christian faith that we don’t understand, can’t figure out, and find hard to believe. But as we will discover this Sunday, when we begin a new worship series titled “A New Creation,” Jesus meets us right where we are. Jesus meets us at the point of our doubts and skepticism, and offers a personal, intimate experience of the resurrection for ourselves.

See you Sunday, online or indoors!

(Oh, and did you figure out the 3D image in the headline graphic? Let me know!)

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

Mary’s Boy

The Ballad of Mary’s Son
By Langston Hughes

It was in the Spring
The Passover had come.
There was feasting in the streets and joy.

But an awful thing
Happened in the Spring—
Men who knew not what they did
Killed Mary’s Boy.
And the Son of God was He—
Sent to bring the whole world joy.
There were some who could not hear,
And some were filled with fear—
So they built a cross
For Mary’s Boy.

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

A Personal Word About Race

Dear Hyde Park Family,

In the aftermath of the tragic shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, I offered a pastoral word and prayer earlier this week with which we can join in prayer and concern.


A few people have reached out to me to offer their love and support in the wake of the rising violence and persecution committed to members of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community. I am very grateful for those persons.

Today’s Midweek Message is longer than usual, and I thank you for receiving this personal word of reflection.

I have done a great deal of introspection this past week about my own race and ethnicity. Like a Pandora’s box with a loose-fitting lid, it doesn’t take much for difficult memories from my past to flood my mind. There was the trio of bullies in first grade who teased me every day about my name, my eyes, and my hair. There was the church member who gave me a ride from the church in his pick-up truck, motioning me to sit in the bed of the truck. “Minorities sit in the back,” he told me. There were the racial slurs I have been called to my face and behind my back in every decade of my life.


Once when I was about ten years old, I stared in the bathroom mirror and just wished that I had hair like the other kids. Not the jet-black hair that grew straight down on all sides, not the haircut that looked like someone just stuck a bowl on my head and trimmed around it. I was so desperate to fit in that in fifth grade, I started combing my bangs with a swoop to one side, like I saw on the other boys. I affixed every hair into place every morning with a ghastly volume of hair spray.

I did that every day for thirty years. That hairspray became a kind of enchantment charm to ward off my insecurities.

Over time, I thought this masquerade was working. I went from being the target of bullying to becoming a popular, high-achieving student. I became known for my academic success and my gentle demeanor. I was voted by my peers as having the quality of “Loyalty” during Homecoming festivities. My efforts to fit in had succeeded, not realizing until retrospect that it had come at the cost of subsuming my ethnicity. When I would refer to my being Filipino-American, it was usually as playful self-deprecation and comic relief, rather than out of pride. For most of my ministry career, friends have told me that they “don’t see me as a minority.” Church members have remarked, “Magrey doesn’t speak the way you would expect him to.” I’ve had clergy colleagues forget that I’m not white, even as recently as this past week.

Acceptance has sometimes come at a cost, reminding me of what I have had to lose in order to gain a sense of belonging.

It is very true that even my ability to subsume my ethnicity is itself a privilege not afforded to other minorities. For many, it’s not as simple as changing a hairstyle or speaking without an accent in order to feel like they can fit in. Many Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders have benefited from the “Model Minority” phenomenon, in which we are afforded recognition for actions and achievements that fit a prescribed stereotype, the very ones that benefited me in school: gentle, honorable, loyal, academically gifted. This mythology not only conceals a tragic history of racism against Asian-Americans, it offers beneficial perceptions not granted to other minority groups, especially African-Americans, who bear a greater historical burden of racial animosity, discrimination, and violence. Also, as a male, I have greater prospects for professional advancement and compensation. And as a heterosexual person, I am free in the eyes of the church to marry whom I love, and live out my sacred calling as a minister. This reality makes me sad and frustrated for many who are subjected to discrimination.


Still, there is for me a tension between two polarities: Downplay who I am in order to fit in, or distinguish myself from others in order to be who I am?

I know I am not alone in this tension. The truth is, you feel it, too. None of us are immune from the conflict between the two deepest longings in each of us: to be who we are, and to belong. Between individuality and community. Between standing out and fitting in.

There are days when I’d rather not be asked by a stranger where I’m from. There are days when I’d rather just be known as a father, pastor, Floridian, and American, rather than use “Filipino” as a preceding adjective. There are days that I just want to belong. But there are also days when I want to be known for everything that makes me unique. I want to be able to speak with pride about who I am, without discrimination from others or being perceived as condescending of others. Most days, I feel a mixture of both these urges, and it is impossible for anyone else to know in any given moment what that mix within me is.

I know you feel this tension within yourself. It can become the basis of our own racial biases and prejudices, including my own. And this in part is what makes conversations about race so difficult.

We use well-meaning phrases like “color-blindness” and “unity” and “we are all part of one race, the human race.” Sometimes these ideas are helpful, but often they overly emphasize the communal at the expense of the individual. So, we swing the pendulum the other way, attending to people by their race, gender, sexual orientation, and other categories, often forgetting that no person is monolithic. I am more than one particular aspect of my identity, and you are, too.

Sound confusing? That’s because it is. Issues of racism and other kinds of discrimination are a hard, enduring mystery.


But it occurs to me that as Christian people, we have a framework for naming this mystery, and even learning to embrace it, rather than run from it.

We believe in a trinitarian God, whose very nature is both individual and communal. God cannot be solely defined as three distinct persons; nor is God a homogenous whole. As much as we may struggle over how to understand the trinity empirically, we can take heart that in God’s own nature is the possibility of finding the fullest, healthiest, and most life-giving expression of both being and belonging.

And if we are created in the same image of that trinitarian God, then we can in fact live out who we really are as individuals, as one vital community together.

But not only is the trinity a helpful framework for addressing racism, so is the other great mystery of the Christian faith: the incarnation. God was fully revealed in Jesus Christ through a personal, flesh-and-blood relationship with humanity. And because the Holy Spirit is working to make us more in the image of Jesus every day, we can then be an incarnate presence to each other. We can get to know each other personally, as fellow human beings, and hear the richness of all that makes us who we are. Issues of racism and discrimination separate us, but the incarnation offers a path toward reconciliation. When we hear each other’s stories, we can affirm one another’s dignity and worth, empathize with each other’s struggles, and celebrate each other’s uniqueness.

With the trinity and the incarnation, we can begin to realize a beautiful community of interconnected individuality.

And that is why I believe in the church. As much as Sunday mornings are still “the most segregated hour in America,” we have in our faith the model and the means to embrace the mystery of our racial differences. In the trinity, we can be fully individual and communal. In Christ, we can be in healthy relationships with people across our differences. Exploring our own racist tensions and tendencies need not be something we run from. We can learn to love one another, both as individual persons and as kindred spirits.

Writing this reflection has helped me process my feelings of grief over the events in Atlanta and around the country. But I remain hopeful in the work of the Spirit to remind us of the indomitable power of love. I hope my words can remind you of the basic right of every person to find their own balance between being and belonging. You deserve it, and so do I. We all do.


In 2011, while serving a church in Iowa, I preached a sermon prior to beginning a three-month renewal period, in which I and the girls would travel to the Philippines to rediscover our ethnic heritage.

In that sermon, I talked about how my hair had become for me a symbol for subverting my ethnicity, and how I was choosing that day to feel free to be who I was. So, at the end of the service, in the chancel of the sanctuary, we had a church member who was a hairstylist take a pair of #2 clippers to my head.

I have kept that hairstyle ever since. It felt liberating then, and it still does.

And that was the last time I ever touched a bottle of hair spray.

Grace and Peace,


CPR for Your Spirit

Dear Lenten Pilgrims,

We’ve all heard of CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Many of us have been trained to administer it in an emergency. Some of us may have even needed to receive it in the past.

If you’re like me, we often need a different kind of CPR, one to resuscitate a weary spirit and downcast soul. So how about considering this kind of CPR, one that you can even administer to yourself, starting today?

C: Cultivate Contentment:

Have you ever had one of those moments of nostalgia when you remember when life was easier and more joyful? All of us have. We often long to relive those memories, wishing we had now what we had back then.

So how about this? Consider the possibility that down the road, when you look back on today in the rear-view mirror, you might be actually living right now what you will consider “the good old days” tomorrow. In other words, there may be aspects of your current situation that you will not fully cherish until they are gone.

In the final episode of NBC’s The Office, a character named Andy said, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” That sums it up pretty well. Count your blessings. Cultivate contentment.

P: Practice Mental Sabbaths:

Take a page out of the Jewish playbook of keeping Sabbath and designate a regular period of time to rest your mind and heart from anything that troubles you. Select several hours – or better yet, a whole day – for your mental Sabbath, in which you will not allow yourself to worry about anything, great or small.

The Israelites prepared for Sabbath by doing all of their required tasks in advance so that they could refrain from physical labor during their time of rest. How about doing the same for your mind? Cross as many stressful items off your to-do list before your Sabbath begins. Gather the scriptures, prayers, and personal effects that you will use to channel your worries away during that time.

R: Rekindle Relationships:

Relationships are wired into our being to ensure our survival. There is no greater way to combat threats – even low-level ones – than to do so in community. And, there is no better resource in your life than the relationships you foster with family and friends.

Ponder this truth: your ability to handle your worry is related to the strength of your relationships with others. In this moment, you can come up with at least a handful of loved ones with whom you have lost touch, for various reasons. Invest in those relationships, and you’ll realize that you are not alone. That sense of solidarity is a powerful antidote to worry.

I wish you well in the ways that you handle your worries, and I pray that you will recognize the constant work of God in you.

Enjoy your life.

It’s the only one you get.

Grace and Peace,


The Meaning of Scars

Dear Hyde Park Family,


Many of us have scars we wish would disappear. I have a burn mark on my right forearm from when I once touched a hot piece of equipment. Madelyn has a scar over her left eye from stitches she needed after falling off her bicycle. Grace has a scar on her cheek from when she was born. And I, like many of you, have scars that are invisible to the eye. They are from wounds in our spirit that reach deep within our past, etched by heartache, grief, doubt, or remorse. They are a lingering reminder of what we’ve been through, and what we’ve become as a result.

Consider the enduring scars of people in the Bible. There’s Jacob’s limp, or Adam’s sweat, or Paul’s thorn. Then there are stories from literary and popular culture: Odysseus’ foot, Luke Skywalker’s hand, Alice’s scrapes from Wonderland, and Harry Potter’s mark on his forehead.

Yes, scars recall old wounds. But they can also offer encouragement. They can remind us that in those moments when we could have played it safe, we chose to take a risk. When we could have chosen the easy way out, we decided to stay and struggle. When times got tough, we didn’t run and hide. Instead of giving up, we persisted through the pain, and survived to tell about it.

Sometimes, life’s most formative experiences are not the triumphs on the mountain top, but those born in the crucible of our deepest anguish. Those are the moments that stretched us until we thought we would break, bruised us until we thought we were bloodless, and pushed us until we thought we would never stand again. But the scars remind us that we did more than survive. We experienced the most powerful and central Christian realities:


In John’s gospel, the resurrected body of Jesus still showed his scars. The nail spots in his hands and feet, the piercing of his side, the thorn marks on his head. Yes, he could walk through closed doors and ascend into the clouds. But when it came to proving the resurrection, he pointed to those scars. “Jesus showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.” (John 20:20)

Look back on your life. Yes, you have been through a lot. More than you might feel you deserve. And at the time, it was more than you thought you could handle. But look at yourself, at all those scars and bruises, especially the ones so deep inside you that only you and God can see.

There’s no reason to be ashamed of them.

No reason to hide them.

They are living proof that God has seen you through.

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist

The Ultimate Chess Match

In Walter Isaacson’s bestselling book titled Steve Jobs, chronicling the life of the famous founder of the Apple Corporation, he relays a story of when Jobs was a teenager. He had grown up with parents who always desired Jobs to be raised in the Christian faith. So, they started attending a Lutheran church with some regularity.

When Jobs was 13 years old, he went in to see the Lutheran pastor, and in his hand was the latest cover of Life magazine, from July 12, 1969. On the cover were two starving children, victims of the ongoing war in Biafra, against Nigeria.

He asked the pastor, “If I hold up my fingers, does God know how many fingers I’m about to hold up?” And the pastor said, “Yes, God knows everything.” Then Jobs showed the pastor the cover. “Then does God know about this? And what’s going to happen to these children?”

The pastor stammered around with some answers: “Yes, God knows … We don’t understand…” Those kinds of statements.

Jobs then announced that he didn’t want to have anything to do with any kind of religion that believes in a God like that. And he never stepped foot in a church ever again.


The question of why people suffer, and God’s relationship to that suffering, is the hardest question we face in the Christian life. Preacher and author Tom Long has termed this dilemma “The Ultimate Chess Match.” On the one side is all we have believed or wanted to believe about God’s love and power. On the other side is the reality of a world where innocent people suffer and evil exists. The two sides are at war, in a game never to be fully resolved.

This Sunday, we will read a story from Luke’s gospel that more directly confronts this question than nearly any other in the passage in the Bible. It’s a story that the other gospels don’t try to touch; only Luke offers it, as an invitation to us to bring our most difficult questions about our own personal suffering, and find some redemptive hope in Jesus.

None of us are immune to suffering. If you or someone you love is going through a hard time right now, let’s come together this Sunday, and open our hearts and minds to the lessons that God would have for us.

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist


In case you missed it, last week’s Midweek Message shared some important and exciting updates. You can read the Midweek Message, read the final report of our visioning process, and view the announcement video.

Ships into Submarines

Dear Hyde Park Family,

Today’s Midweek Message contains a final update and word of celebration about our visioning process, a link to an important announcement video sharing some exciting news, the latest update on resuming indoor ministries on campus, and finally, a personal word from me.


A few years ago, I had a conversation with a friend who was bemoaning the state of the Christian church in our country and our world. It was hard to avoid the statistics of membership decline, the loss of the church’s significance in our culture, and the general indifference people have toward organized religion.

“It feels like a sinking ship,” my friend said.

After a bit of a pause, searching for something to say that was both authentic and hopeful, I replied with a statement that I didn’t quite understand, even as I was saying it.

“Well, maybe the church isn’t a sinking ship, as much as it is God’s way of transforming it into a submarine.”

We looked at each other, my face just as puzzled as his.

Since then, I’ve had a chance to reflect on what I said, and frankly, it seems truer now than when I first said it. What if God is calling the church to change, not just in response to a pandemic (which is temporary) but in order to reach vast oceans of new people? People who live in a culture far below the surface of where the church has been operating? People who live, breathe, and view the world in such a different way that the only way to reach them is through risk and adaptation?

These were the kinds of questions that were in our minds back in 2016, as we laid the groundwork for what would be the start of our visioning process the following year. We then adopted a vision plan in December 2018 that would frame our future around four pillars: 1) deepen the discipleship of our congregation, 2) widen the reach of God’s love to new people, 3) unite together in common purpose, and 4) adapt to changes in our culture.

In 2019, a team of gifted and committed lay people got to work as our Vision Implementation Team, working steadily and deliberately, organizing more than 80 people in 12 initiative teams to fulfill the charge of the vision plan.

And even when the pandemic hit us in early 2020, we were already discovering ways to adapt that would enable us to not only survive but thrive during such a season of uncertainty.

Now, after two years of prayer and hard work, this week our Vision Implementation Team is sharing its final reports, which chronicle all that we have achieved as a church and the exciting plans that will guide us into the future.

You can visit the Vision page of our website, where you will see the report in three forms:

  • A brief, one-page set of bullet points that highlight the results of the Implementation Team’s work;
  • A ten-page executive summary, with further details about each of the initiative teams’ activities and actions;
  • A 70-page full report, with full narratives about the work of each team.

And, you can watch a recently produced 20-minute video that announces many of the exciting changes we are working on as we prepare to return to indoor, in-person ministries.


Our Executive Team, made up mostly of lay people serving as chairs of our major committees, continues to monitor the latest COVID statistics in our area. Like all of us, the team is happy to see the steady and clear decline in our local positivity rate, which is our chief criteria for deciding when to resume onsite ministries. The rate was 14% last month, is currently between 7-8%, and we are hopeful that it will continue to trend toward the consistent sub-5% threshold advised by the Centers for Disease Control. So, while we can’t yet predict when that will be, we are accelerating our preparations for that joyous return.


Oh, friends. I know this has been a long, hard season for all of us. We are all experiencing grief and fear in some way, and adaptive change of any kind is itself a kind of loss. We find ourselves digging for resolve from reserves we never knew we had. That is true for all of us, including myself. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that this has been the most challenging season of ministry I have ever faced. But I’m heartened by the thought that we are in this together, praying for each other, working through the hard stuff together, and looking forward to a future with hope. Perhaps John Wesley said it best: “The best of all is, God is with us.”

Grace and peace,


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist


“Letting Go for Lent”

Dear Lenten Pilgrims,

Our Lenten worship series is titled “Cultivating and Letting Go,” in which we will explore each week how to cultivate a different aspect of holy character, and how to let go of characteristics that get in the way.

In the spirit of that Lenten theme, I thought it appropriate to reprise a list I wrote for you several years ago, titled, “Ten Other Things You Might Give Up for Lent.” These are loosely based on a personality-type indicator called the Enneagram, which has been inordinately helpful to me over the years.

May this list prompt you toward a holier and healthier life in Christ.

1. Give up the need to be right all the time.

Business author Patrick Lencioni said, “People don’t need to feel like they are right, as much as they need to feel like they’ve been heard.” Yes, claim your voice, assert your convictions, and engage the issues that matter to you. But once you’ve been heard, consider the possibility that you might have something to learn from those who disagree with you. That’s often how we learn our most important lessons in life. (James 1:19)

2. Give up your reluctance to ask for help.

It is true that giving up something for Lent requires discipline, will, and self-mastery. But it also requires the recognition that we cannot always be self-sufficient. You are not superhuman. You do not have inexhaustible reserves. Turn to loved ones for support, seek the wise counsel of others, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. (Psalm 69)

3. Give up your fear of failure.

Mother Theresa said, “God does not call us to be successful; God calls us to be faithful.” You may sometimes gauge your self-worth by what you have achieved and how you have succeeded. You might subconsciously depend on the affirmation of others to feel good about yourself. But your worth does not equal your work, nor are you defined by your failures. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

4. Give up comparing yourself to others.

Forget the Joneses. They are not worth keeping up with. Find contentment in what you have, and in who God has created you to be. You do not need the envious admiration of others. You need not be defined by what you do not have. And you don’t have to evaluate your life in comparison to others. It’s not worth it. (James 4:2-3)

5. Give up the need to have things all figured out.

Dance with your doubts. Embrace mystery. Accept that you do not and cannot know it all. Recognize that some of the greatest things in life are those which cannot be explained or fully understood. Things like God’s love for you, and how God is with you even when you don’t believe it. (Romans 11:33-36)

6. Give up your fears of the future.

I get it. These are frightening times for many people. There is great nervousness about the way things are in the world. And I would guess that you are dealing with fears yourself. We all have our fears, but no one has to be defined by them. God is a God of hope. (Matthew 6:33-34)

7. Give up anesthetizing yourself to pain and suffering.

The long shadow of suffering lingers in many forms: loneliness, grief, abandonment, betrayal. None of us are immune from them, and our instinct is to numb ourselves from the pain, sometimes in self-destructive ways: addictions, accumulating possessions and escapist pleasures, and cocooning ourselves from the rest of the world. These might anesthetize us in the short term, but they prevent us from allowing that pain to help us to stretch, grow, and trust in God. (Romans 5:3-5)

8. Give up the need to be in control.

This one is at the heart of the season of Lent. It is a reminder that we ultimately are not in control of what happens to us. We cannot control others, and we can hardly claim to have full control of ourselves and our future. Let the Covenant Prayer of Wesley be your guide, to remind you that you are not your own; you belong to God. (Matthew 16:24-25)

9. Give up the need to make everyone happy.

It’s not like you can, anyway. You may have a knack for understanding what others want from you, but you must also claim your own convictions and understand your limitations. Your job is not to be all things to all people and please everyone you know. God calls you to live a life of integrity, and God, after all, is the only one you need to please. (Galatians 1:10)

10. Give up all the non-essential noise in your life.

This may be the toughest one of all to give up, but it may be the key to a deeply moving Lenten season for you. Your life is inundated by competing voices and blaring noises from the culture around you. Pay attention to your breath. Take walks. Drive without the radio on. Set the cell phone down when you’re at the family table. Watch less television, and look people in the eye when you talk to them. Most of all, pray to God, “Silence all voices but your own.” Turn down the volume of your life, and connect to a God who knows you better than you know yourself. (Psalm 46:10)

Blessings to you on your Lenten journey!


The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist


“A Valentine’s Day Prayer”

Dear Hyde Park Family,

With Valentine’s Day this Sunday, I wrote this prayer that you might join me in offering to God, seeking blessing on ourselves and those whom we love. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Eternal and Loving God,

In your very being we discover the essence of relational, triune love. You are the Lover, the Beloved, and the Love that Flows Between Them. As one created in your image, empower me today to be a person of deeper love, encompassing heart, soul, mind, and strength, both for you and for those around me.

  • Teach me to love those dearest to me, those with whom I am most vulnerable and most guarded. Help us to rebuild trust and authenticity with each other.
  • Enable me to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, that I may share in the reconciling work of Jesus. May the impact of hurtful memories wane over time, along with ill will and resentment of others.
  • Grant me deeper friendships with those who can help me be the best version of myself. May they help me be accountable for my actions, offer me godly advice, and speak the truth to me without judgment.
  • Sharpen my awareness of those who feel unloved and unlovable. Strengthen my resolve to be an agent of hospitality to the lonely, of comfort for the frightened, and mercy for the hurting.
  • Open my heart to a greater sense of your love for me. A love that is tenacious, patient, and unconditional. Remove the barriers that I have erected in my spirit that block the free flow of your love in my life. Work through my doubt, do not be deceived by my pride, and heal me of my guilt and shame.

Loving God, in you I find my truest and best self, as one created in your triune, relational image. Thank you for your grace, and thank you for your love.

In Jesus’ name,



The Rev. Magrey deVega
Senior Pastor, Hyde Park United Methodist


Join us next Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey, titled “Cultivating and Letting Go.” Our online Ash Wednesday service will broadcast at 6:30 a.m., noon, and 6:30 p.m., on our Facebook page or website.

We will provide the imposition of ashes in person following each of those services, 7 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 7 p.m., at both The Portico location and the Magnolia parking lot of our Hyde Park location.


Go Bucs!

Dear Hyde Park Family,

With minimal apology to any Chiefs fans out there, what an exciting time for us Buccaneer fans, and for Tampa Bay sports in general!

I’ve lived in this area for most of my life and never thought I would see the day when four – FOUR! – professional sports teams would be in the championship final of their respective sports, all in the same year.

The Lightning won the Stanley Cup, the Rays made it to the World Series, the Rowdies made it to the championship game, and now our Bucs are the first team to ever play a Super Bowl in its home stadium.

We can feel the electricity in the air, and I cannot help as a pastor offering some biblical reflection on what this might mean for us.


In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul equates the church to the human body, in which every person – no matter how seemingly insignificant – has a vital role to play.

Certainly the body isn’t one part but many. If the foot says, “I’m not part of the body because I’m not a hand,” does that mean it’s not part of the body? If the ear says, “I’m not part of the body because I’m not an eye,” does that mean it’s not part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, what would happen to the hearing? And if the whole body were an ear, what would happen to the sense of smell? But as it is, God has placed each one of the parts in the body just like he wanted.

Imagine, for a moment, how unsuccessful it would be if the Tampa Bay Bucs had nothing but one kind of position player. If the whole team were receivers, where would the running game be? If everyone were a quarterback, who would provide the pass rush?

So it is with the church. You might think yourself to be more inferior than others in the congregation. Maybe you are new to the faith, feel less seasoned, less capable of offering yourself in service to God. But you are a vital part of this team, and working together, we can continue to accomplish great things for Christ.

With all due respect to our professional teams, it’s this one – the people of Hyde Park United Methodist – that is the team I am most proud to be a fan and a part of.

Go team! (And, yes, Go Bucs!)

Grace and Peace,


(P.S. And enjoy the collage of our wonderful church staff, proudly displaying their pewter and red!)