813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 


Discover the joy of worshiping together.

Traditional Worship

11 a.m. Sundays – Sanctuary. Offers live performances from our chancel and handbell choirs which enhances the spiritual depth and create a reverent atmosphere that inspires congregation members to connect with God on a profound level. 

Choir and Handbells

Chancel Choir

  • Sings weekly during 11 a.m. worship, as well as for additional services and concerts throughout the year.
  • Rehearses Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. during the school year.
  • Audition required.


Chancel Handbells

  • Rings monthly during 11 a.m. worship and participates in concerts and outreach events.
  • Rehearses weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30–8 p.m. during the school year.
  • Does not rehearse during the summer; however, small handbell groups may form to perform occasionally in worship.
  • Audition required, and the ability to read music is necessary.
  • Experience with an instrument and/or ensemble playing is a plus.


Celebration Chimes

  • An intergenerational handbell choir for ages Grade 4 through adult.
  • Performs in church about once a month and for special seasonal services.
  • Rehearses Wednesdays from 5:45–6:35 p.m. during the school year.
  • Designed for beginner to intermediate ringers, teaching the fundamentals of handbell ringing and musicianship.
  • No audition or prior experience required.


For any questions or to schedule an audition, please reach out to our Traditional Music Director, Michael Dougherty.

Honor Someone with Flowers

Altar Flowers are a beautiful way to honor or memorialize a loved one. Please email Michele Miskowski, Altar Guild representative, to confirm date(s) for the placement of flowers in one of our worship spaces. Once the date is confirmed, use this form to purchase altar flowers.

Contemporary Worship

9:30 a.m. Sundays – Harnish Center. A welcoming space where individuals can discover a worship experience that deeply resonates with their hearts and allows them to connect with God in a meaningful way.

Online Worship

7 a.m. Sundays – On Demand and 9:30 or 11 a.m. Sundays – Live Hosted. This virtual service offers worship to people locally and around the world. Services available with a schedule that fits every individual.

Meet the Worship Staff

Michael Dougherty

Michael Dougherty

Traditional Music Director

Mat Hotho

Mat Hotho

Production and Online Engagement Director

Colleen Schmitt

Colleen Schmitt

Contemporary Music Director