Your gifts to Hyde Park United Methodist help the church equip, prepare and send disciples to share the love of Christ with others – both in this community and around the world. Contributions help pay for our gathering place for all of us to worship, learn and grow together – and help our church family to live out the great commission to, “Go make disciples of all nations.” Your giving to Hyde Park United Methodist furthers our mission through these four basic channels.
Please Text “MY HYDE PARK” TO 833.245.5511
When you send ‘MY HYDE PARK‘ to 833.245.5511 you will receive a one-time reply containing a link to give to Hyde Park United Methodist Church, Tampa, FL (one message per request). Please be aware that Message and Data rates may apply. For full Terms and Conditions, please visit For the Privacy Policy please visit For help, reply HELP or STOP to cancel.
For questions related to online giving, please e-mail Lynn Osborne, our Comptroller, at or Meagan Kempton, our Church Business Administrator at
Three truths form the foundation of stewardship:
- God created everything
- God owns everything
- As disciples of Jesus, we are not owners of our stuff, but trustees.
The Christian life is a response of gratitude to God – for his gifts of love and grace. Our monetary support enables the church to accomplish God’s mission in our world.
The pull of our materialistic culture, or an unfamiliarity with wise financial tools hinders many of us from becoming faithful resource stewards. Want to try Hyde Park’s Financial Peace University class to help? Let us know.
Questions about Giving?
How Do I Give?
An online contribution may be the easiest way to contribute. Hyde Park encourages monthly recurring gifts through preauthorized bank drafts (ACH). It is safe and secure, generates lower processing fees, and avoids the challenges associated with revolving credit card expiration dates. You are also welcome to give securely by debit or credit card. Please note that the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution this way.
Mail your check to the Ministry Offices: Our mailing address is Hyde Park United Methodist, 500 W. Platt St., Tampa, FL 33606. Some members find it most convenient to write a check to the church monthly, as they write checks for monthly bills. Payments using an online bill paying service should be sent to this address as well.
Monthly and year-end contribution statements will be provided to you as a record of your giving. If you have any questions, contact Lynn Osborne, 813.253.5388 ext. 225
How Much Do I Give?
Should My Tithe be Based on My Gross or Net Income?
Is My Salvation Determined by My Level of Giving?
Am I Still Welcome if I Do Not Tithe?
Where Does my Money Go?
The Ministry and Missions Fund underwrites the ministries, operation, and maintenance of our local congregation–including staff salaries; worship and building costs, insurance, and ministries serving children, youth, and adults. This Fund also supports mission projects that are specifically chosen by our local church leadership and include more than 20 organizations in Tampa, the United States and worldwide and our share in the global missions and ministries of The United Methodist Church.
The Building Fund provides the resources for the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities.
The Endowment Fund provides a way for persons to give gifts to provide for the long-term future of the church. The principal of these gifts is held in perpetuity, and the earnings is made available for church ministries as needed.
Why Does the Church ask for an Estimate of Giving of my Next Year's Planned Giving?
Does the Church Only Want my Money?
Who Sees my Giving Information?
What forms of non-cash contributions may I give to Hyde Park United Methodist?
● Publicly Traded Securities
● Closely-Held Stock
● Personal Property
● Real Estate
● Gifts-in-Kind
● Paid Insurance Policies
● Charitable Lead Trusts
● Deferred Gifts
For more information on any of these ways to give, contact Lynn Osborne or Meagan Kempton, Hyde Park United Methodist, 500 W. Platt St., Tampa, FL 33606, 813.253.5388. You should always consult with your own tax advisor as to the tax-deductibility of gifts in your particular situation.
What is the Endowment Fund?
Giving to the Endowment strengthens a church to continue its ministry even in difficult economic times, and provides for the long-term future of the church.
An endowment gift may be made at any time, and is frequently made in honor or memory of an individual or as part of an estate plan.
How do I Give to the Endowment Fund?
A new fund may be named in memory or in honor of a designate with a contribution of $25,000 or more. Please consult Meagan Kempton at 813.253.5388.
Endowment donations may include cash, publicly-traded securities, closely-held securities, real property, tangible personal property, other property, bequests (wills), charitable remainder trusts, life estate gifts, life insurance, individual retirement accounts, gift annuities, and retirement plans.
The Existing Endowment Funds:
General Fund – Supports ongoing ministry needs as determined by the elected church leadership, and includes the:
Youth Endowment – A church member created this Endowment in July 2006, to help with Youth Ministries’ special needs beyond the annual operating budget
Charlotte Nicholas Lehnherr Children’s Ministry Fund – Created in 2011 by Charlotte Lehnherr – in memory of her mother and sister – to provide support for our mission of “Making God’s Love Real” in the lives of children in our congregation and our community
James L. and Martha S. Ferman Special Ministries Fund – Created in 2012 in gratitude for the Fermans’ lifelong interest in music and education, and to be used for musical concerts, guests artists, lecture, or special ministry programs
Richard C. Langford Legacy Fund – Created by his family in 2015, in memory of Richard C. Langford, to be used for faith development in children, youth, and adults
Facilities Fund – Maintains, cares for, improves, and constructs physical facilities, furnishings, and equipment, including the purchase of additional property. Initially funded by a bequest from Henry Butler–a long-time member and builder who assisted in maintenance of the buildings–and includes the:
Houlihan Building Fund – Created in memory of church member Frank Houlihan in August 2005, for the maintenance, care, improvement, and construction of physical facilities.
Outreach and Missions Endowment Fund – Provides for the community outreach and world missions of the church.
Scholarship Funds – Provide educational aid to congregation members and friends, and were initiated by the bequest of a church member who taught school. These funds include the:
Vee Choate Educational Fund – Created in memory of church member Vee Choate in September 2003, for scholarships for individuals preparing for full-time Christian ministry.
Jim Harnish Ministerial Scholarship Fund – Created on Jim’s 11th anniversary as Senior Pastor in September 2004, for scholarships for United Methodist seminary students.
Dorothy Ebersbach Scholarship Fund – Created in 2012 by a bequest from our late, longtime member Dorothy Ebersbach, for higher education educational assistance for individuals who have been active at Hyde Park and who demonstrate financial need.
Dorothy Ebersbach Ministerial Scholarship Fund – Created in 2012 by a bequest from our late, longtime member Dorothy Ebersbach, for scholarships or ministerial internships at Hyde Park for persons preparing for ministry within the United Methodist Church.
Hale Youth and Children Fund – This fund was created in December 2019 by Brad Hale in honor of Rick and Linda Hale and their service to education and to making a difference in the lives of children and youth. Distributions from the fund shall provide financial support to youth and children’s ministries of Hyde Park United Methodist in the name of Rick and Linda Hale.
Totten Scholarship Fund – This fund was created in June 2017 by Cindy Lieving in memory of her deceased husband, Tim Totten. Distributions from the fund are to be used for youth who are members of Hyde Park United Methodist who are pursuing an undergraduate degree, either an Associate’s degree from a community college or a Bachelor’s degree from a 4-year university or college.
Investment and Administration of Endowment Funds
The funds of The Hyde Park United Methodist Endowment Fund are invested with the Florida United Methodist Foundation, Inc. and administered by the Endowment Fund Committee. The Committee reviews and approves the investment policies on an annual basis and oversees the endowment income distribution according to the purpose of each endowment.
The Fountain Fellowship
The Fountain Fellowship is composed of church members and friends who have indicated to the Endowment Committee that they have included Hyde Park United Methodist in their will or estate plan. The Fellowship uses the church’s fountain as a symbol of their Endowment Fund gift, since their gift keeps on giving like a fountain of life-giving water. An annual appreciation dinner recognizes members’ commitment to the future ministry of the church, and invites new members to join the Fellowship. You may add your name to the list by contacting Lynn Osborne, 813.253.5388. Anonymous donations welcomed also.