Who We Are
Hyde Park United Methodist Church is a warm-hearted, open-minded, Christ-centered congregation in Tampa, Florida, living out our mission to Make God’s Love Real in our own congregation, our community and the world.
Our Mission: Making God’s Love Real
To Make God’s Love Real, teaching others to follow Jesus by loving God and loving all.
Our Vision
People will be connected into loving community, transformed to be more like Jesus, and equipped to teach others how to live life as God intends.
We are a diverse body of believers, united by our beliefs. We welcome all to experience God’s love and grace, to learn and grow with us on the Discipleship Pathway.
Hyde Park United Methodist is one church with two locations.
Our historic Hyde Park campus dates to 1899, with traditional Sanctuary and Chapel alongside contemporary and modern worship and active ministries engaging adults and children, and reaching out to our community and world.
At our downtown location, The Portico, a creative new faith community is emerging centered on conversation, connection and community change, and emphasizing arts, serving and missional engagement with its neighbors. Sunday evening worship services began September 2016 at The Portico.
Our Core Values
Christ Centered
Committed to the life, words, way, and Spirit of Jesus, and passionate about inviting others to experience him.
Biblically Rooted
Grounded in a faithful study of the Bible, both privately and in small groups.
Warm Hearted
Welcoming and expressing love to all people, and seeing the image of Jesus in others as God’s children, regardless of differences.
Open Minded
Engaging a variety of perspectives while affirming each other’s worth and humanity; seeing the truth that the Spirit offers in people as we search, think, question, and honestly express our growing experience of the faith.
Mission Directed
Called to serve others, bringing hope and healing to others near and far, by making a difference for God’s kingdom on earth.
Connection Committed
Passionately welcoming others into an experience of God’s love, and connecting to each other in faithful community.
We believe
… in one God, who created the world and all that is in it. We affirm that God is known and experienced as the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
… that Jesus is the incarnation, the very embodiment of God’s loving presence and power. We maintain that Christ is both fully human and fully divine. We affirm Christ’s saving work on the cross and that through his life, death and resurrection, “God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us.” (2 Corinthians 5:19)
… the Holy Spirit works within personal experience and in the life of the Christian community to make God’s redemptive love a tangible reality in our lives and in the world.
… the Bible is God’s written word that reveals the character of God. We believe that it contains the truth about God, about life, and about the relationship between God and all of creation.
… that the church is called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. It is the body of Christ which worships, serves, and lives the life of faith together. The church is the community that is called to live now as if God’s future has already come.
… that the kingdom of God is both a present reality and a future hope. God’s kingdom is breaking in upon the world bringing peace and justice, compassion and hope, and the fulfillment of all God’s purposes. Wherever God’s power is, there too is God’s Kingdom.