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Hyde Park Speaks

The Stories We Share




Midweek Message: Our Amazing Ancestry

Midweek Message: Our Amazing Ancestry

Two years ago, geneticist Yaniv Erlich announced a major breakthrough in genomic studies. His team at Columbia University set a record for the largest family tree ever created, made up of 13 million people, spanning 11 generations, going back 600 years. Using...

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Buy or Make Manna Bags

Buy or Make Manna Bags

We have some Manna Bags that are for sale if any family would like to pick some up. Please contact Emily, email, if you’d like to purchase and pick them up for $5 each. If you would like to make your own Manna Bags at home, these are the items that we use to make...

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Three Simple Rules for Voting

Three Simple Rules for Voting

Dear Hyde Park Family, We are now nineteen days from the general election, and along with encouraging you to practice your civic duty to vote, I offer you some words of wisdom from John Wesley. In October 1774, John Wesley was preaching in some small English towns...

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Midweek Message: What Do You Believe?

Midweek Message: What Do You Believe?

Dear Hyde Park Family, “I believe, therefore I am.” - Eberhard Jungel, German theologian Not long ago I found an online message board in which people were asked to complete the sentence, “I believe...” Many of the responses were profound. Some were pretty hilarious. I...

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Mission Moments

Mission Moments

Our mission partners and outreach programs are making a difference in our community and around the world! Listen to the stories and testimonies of how God is working in the lives of those touched by these programs. Love INC of Metro Tampa Love INC mobilizes churches...

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Midweek Message: Can We Talk?

Midweek Message: Can We Talk?

Dear Hyde Park Family, So, did you watch survive the first presidential debate? People may have disagreements about political ideologies and policies, but perhaps we can all agree that this debate was the single worst political spectacle we have ever seen. For me, it...

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Midweek Message: “Seeds of Hope”

Midweek Message: “Seeds of Hope”

Dear Hyde Park Family, A modern-day parable of hope, straight out of recent news headlines: Last summer, a woman named Dr. Elaine Soloway harvested 111 dates from a date tree, then she sampled one. She said it had a “honey or caramel aftertaste.” Nothing really...

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Hyde Park: Innovations

Hyde Park: Innovations

Dear Hyde Park Family, This week’s special Midweek Message comes in the form of this video update from me! Please watch the video below and go to hydeparkumc.org/innovations to find out more. Grace and peace, Magrey The Rev. Magrey deVegaSenior Pastor, Hyde Park...

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Midweek Message: On the Eve of 9/11

Midweek Message: On the Eve of 9/11

Dear Hyde Park Family, Do you remember where you were on Monday, Sept. 10, 2001? No? Me neither. The day was largely forgettable, and the news headlines were mostly unremarkable. Michael Jackson rang the opening bell on Wall Street. Disgraced Senator Gary Condit was...

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