813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

Creating an Advent Wreath

Whether you’re familiar with the Advent Wreath or it’s a new concept for you, Hyde Park is taking a new approach to an favorite tradition this year. It’s likely that the use of Advent Wreath in the Christian tradition began in the home as a focal point of devotion. It was then adopted in regular worship services during the season of Advent, the four Sundays prior to Christmas. Because we will be celebrating Christmas in online worship services, we are providing ways for you to create an Advent Wreath for your own home.

Different Types of Wreaths

A coloring version is available at illustratedministry.com. Our Children’s and Youth Ministry will be distributing these materials during our Advent Kit Pick-Up Event on Nov. 29 and Dec. 2. Find more information here.

To make a traditional wreath, use a circular oasis and either artificial greenery or real greenery. The advantage of the artificial version is that you can use it again in future years. One made with real greenery requires periodic watering to keep the greenery fresh. Regardless of how you make it, the fundamental aspect of the wreath is a circle with four candles, representing that Jesus is the light of the world.


  • United Methodist Resources: umcdiscipleship.org – Search “Advent Wreath”
  • Crosswalk.com – Search “Advent Wreath”
  • Pinterest has many resources – Search “advent”

 Experience Christmas at Hyde Park United Methodist with all our events and worship services.

Buy or Make Manna Bags

We have some Manna Bags that are for sale if any family would like to pick some up. Please contact Emily, email, if you’d like to purchase and pick them up for $5 each.

If you would like to make your own Manna Bags at home, these are the items that we use to make them:

  1. Fruit Gummy Pack (small): Kellogg’s Fruity Snacks Variety Pack (2.5 oz., 36 ct.)
  2. Beef Jerky/Slim Jims: Slim Jim Original (120 ct.)
  3. GO GO Apple Sauce: GoGo SqueeZ Applesauce, Apple Apple (3.2 oz., 28 ct.)
  4. Salted peanuts or mixed nuts (2 oz pkg): Planters Snack Nuts Variety Pack (1.75 oz. Pouches, 24 ct.)
  5. Small waters: Member’s Mark Purified Bottled Water (8oz / 80pk
  6. Cheese and peanut butter crackers: Lance Sandwich Crackers, Variety Pack (1.41 oz., 40 ct.)
  7. Vienna Sausage: Armour Vienna Sausage (4.6 oz. can, 18 ct.)
  8. Breakfast bar: Nature Valley Oats ‘n Honey Crunchy Granola Bars (49 pk.)
  9. Plastic fork and spoon w/napkin: Member’s Mark White Plastic Cutlery Packets (200 ct.)
  10. Gallon Freeze Ziplocs: Ziploc Storage Slider Gallon Bags (120 ct.)
  11. Hillsborough Homeless Coalition Street Survival Guide (.pdf)
  12. Jesus Loves Me card
  13. Sanitary Wipes
  14. Socks

Mission Moments

Our mission partners and outreach programs are making a difference in our community and around the world! Listen to the stories and testimonies of how God is working in the lives of those touched by these programs.

Love INC of Metro Tampa

Love INC mobilizes churches across Tampa Bay to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ. Hyde Park United Methodist is proud to partner with Love INC and 15 other churches, as we unite in purpose and actively live out our faith by lovingly serving people in need in our communities.

Through its Help Center, trained volunteers provide a structure to use our God-given talents to serve him in the most effective way. Resource navigators receive requests, assess guests needs, respond with wisdom and discernment, and make referrals for services – connecting needs with resources.

For more information, contact church liaisons, Mary Britain, 813.361.4159, and Cindy Lieving, 813.395.2607, or agency liaison, Ann Doyle, 813.222.5683.

Cornerstone Family Ministries is making a lasting and positive impact in the lives of economically disadvantaged children and their families in the Tampa Bay community by nurturing young bodies, developing young minds, and fostering hope through Christ.

Community Garden Movement: Cornerstone teaches children and families how food grows and where it comes from through gardening, making the connection between nutritional food and healthy bodies. The garden provides a safe, socially distanced space for volunteers to provide the community with fresh produce. Volunteers are welcome any Tuesday or the second Saturday, 9-11 a.m. Learn More

Care Packages for Kids: Cornerstone has received funding to provide nutritious care packages for kids. Help is needed to assemble the gallon Ziploc bags and deliver them to the sponsored child care centers. Get Involved

Little Dresses for Missions

Little Dresses for Missions is making God’s love real one stitch at a time. Volunteer seamstresses from our church provide dresses for girls in developing countries, sending a message that that they are loved and worthy. More than 4,000 dresses have been distributed around the world and nearly 2,000 masks provided to Tampa hospitals and Hyde Park United Methodist’s partner school, Dunbar Elementary.

Pray for the continued good health of the volunteers, who have temporarily suspended their activity during the pandemic. When onsite activities resume, the group appreciates donations of girls’ undergarments to accompany the dresses. To learn more visit our church website or email dhpainter1039@gmail.com. You can also support Little Dresses through Gifts for Good campaign.

Hillsborough House of Hope

Hillsborough House of Hope was founded by Hyde Park’s own Margaret Palmer to provide a Christian home where women transitioning out of a correctional institution learn a new purposeful, productive way of life that allows for success. Each woman receives a plan tailored to her objectives. The House affords a safe and encouraging environment until the women secure employment and a permanent residence. Under full-time supervision, each woman has her own room and helps with chores. After six months, each woman leaves with what it takes to be a purposeful, productive community member.

To learn more, visit our website or email Serena Finn, mission liaison. You can also support Hillsborough House of Hope through Hyde Park’s Gifts for Good campaign.

Abe Brown Ministries

Abe Brown Ministries demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ by helping offenders and ex-offenders achieve productive and fulfilling lives. The video of Michael Jackson’s testimony shares the impact Abe Brown Ministries has had on his life.

For more information, visit our website or email Amy Morantes, mission liaison. You can also support Abe Brown Ministries through Gifts for Good campaign.

Feeding Tampa Bay

Food is more than just a meal on a plate. When we share food around a table, we can begin to break the cycle of hunger and imagine new possibilities. Consistent access to nutritious food enables students to excel, parents to focus on their livelihoods, and seniors to maintain a healthy life.

Feeding Tampa Bay is in need of volunteers and your help can make a huge impact. Shifts are in the morning 9 a.m.-noon or the afternoon 1-4 p.m. Click here to learn how to serve. You can also support Feeding Tampa Bay when you attend Hyde Park’s Fall Family Fun Night, where you can drop off non-perishable items. Details

For more information, visit our website or email Don Aiken, mission liaison. You can also support Feeding Tampa Bay through Hyde Park’s Gifts for Good campaign.

How to Help Your Kids and Teens Deal with Anxiety

How is everyone doing in your house? No, really! How is the worry and anxiety level in your home this week?

Do you know what the most common mental concern is in the United States is? It is Anxiety Disorder. It effects 40 million adults. It also is the most common mental struggle for children and teens. Nearly 32% of adolescents have suffered from serious anxiety at some point.

According to statistics and studies, if you have a child or teen in your home, there is a 1 in 3 chance they are struggling with some form of anxiety. Thanks to phones and social media, teen anxiety disorder is on the rise. It is not surprising, but that does not mean we as Christians need to brush it off as lack of faith or spiritual weakness either.

We want to offer you some helpful, loving advice and guidance. We do not want to ignore this growing problem that may be also impacting your family. We want to encourage you to take the time with our child to talk about how they are feeling. Find out what is stressing them or what might be bringing on worry before it turns into something more.

Not every feeling of anxiety and worry is sin or evil. We know that there are many things that can affect your children and their feelings of anxiety. We do have a powerful God with powerful promises. As you pray over your child this week, whether they are struggling with anxiety or not, consider a few of these verses.

  • Luke 12:22-26: May my child not be worried or anxious about the superficial things of this world.
  • Psalm 27:1: God, allow my child to realize that they can run to you in moments of anxiety and you will protect them.
  • Psalm 118:6-7: Guide my child as they go through their day today. Allow them to not worry about what other people say, think, or do.
  • Philippians 4:6-7: Lord, give my child peace in their heart and their mind.

Watch this great video resource as soon as you can. We hope this helps you and gives you a bit of time to reflect on your child/children’s mental, emotional and spiritual health. Take the time today or this week to sit down face-to-face as a family and check in on each other’s worries and anxiety levels.

We are available to talk, pray, or just listen to you and/or your child. Helping a child or teen with anxiety is a challenge Click here for age-appropriate resource for your child or teen for tips and practical ways you can help. If you are seeking professional advice or help, please also let us know. We would love to suggest some local adolescent professionals in our area. We are praying for you! Let us know how we can pray specifically for you and your family.

Facilitator Resources

Facilitator Resources

Small Group Meeting format:

  • Opening:  Ice breaker question
  • Silence: Spend 1-3 minutes in Centering Prayer / Silence
  • Read the scripture from the past Sunday here
    • Additional materials could also be used here sometimes
  • Discussion:
    • What struck you?
    • How can you apply it to your life?
    • Use the Reflection Questions written by the preacher.
  • Prayer requests
  • Question on Spiritual Practices: Quick round-robin format: What are you committing to for your own spiritual practice this week? This can be as simple as saying “I will be in worship this week”, or “I’m going to do the daily Bible readings”.
  • Close in prayer

Here is a helpful list of guidelines for group leaders and participants:

  • Frame every gathering in prayer
  • Always include Scripture
  • Commit to honesty and confidentiality
  • Attend faithfully
  • Accept differing points of view
  • Hold one another accountable
  • Pray for one another daily
  • There’s no one special secret to success

These resources will help prepare you:

Amplify Video:
Stream 1000’s of study, worship, and devotional videos.
Access anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Need a new book, resource or study?

  • Browse books – Aldersgate Room in Knox Hall
  • Curriculum library – John Barolo’s Office, Ministry Offices
  • Need recommendations? Contact John Barolo.

Questions? Need help? Contact John Barolo, Director of Discipleship, 813.253.5388 ext. 1231.

Online Resources:


Inspiration and Devotion

  • Upper Room Devotional – Daily devotional with scripture from the United Methodist Church
  • Sacred Space – Daily guided prayer from the Irish Jesuits
  • d365 – Daily guided prayer experience from the Episcopal church, Presbyterian Church USA and Cooperative Baptist Fellowship


Recommended Marriage Studies (all available in our Curriculum Library):

  • 10 Great Dates to Energize Your Marriage, Arp
  • Zimsum of Love, Bell
  • The Five Love Languages, Chapman
  • Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, Gungor
  • Love to Stay: Sex, Grace and Commitment, Hamilton
  • Your Time-Starved Marriage, Parrott
  • iMarriage – Transforming Your Expectations, Stanley
  • Because Great Marriages Just Don’t Happen
  • The 4 Season’s of Marriage, Gary Chapman
  • Scary Close, Donald Miller
  • Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas
  • Team Us – Marriage Together, Ashleigh Slater
  • The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted, Gary Chapman
  • The 5 Love Languages of Children, Gary Chapman