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Hyde Park Speaks

The Stories We Share




Growing Deeper

Growing Deeper

Dear Hyde Park Family, It’s harvest season in the fields and farms across the country, and a time of year I gained an appreciation for during my eight years serving in Iowa. Farmers are in their combines, reaping the benefits of their risk: planting last spring,...

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A Little House in Hyde Park

A Little House in Hyde Park

Dear Hyde Park Family, One of the joys of offering our online service every Sunday is the new sense of connection we have with people around the country. For the last several months, a couple from Virginia named Claudette and David Collins have not only been joining...

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Hyde Park’s Justice Ministry

This video series was recorded in 2020, an unprecendented year in so many ways. It provided an opportunity for us to examine racism, injustice and discrimination as we never had before. To gain a better understanding, we listened to the stories of people of color as...

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The Beauty of Being a United Methodist

The Beauty of Being a United Methodist

Tomorrow, laity and clergy from across Florida United Methodism will gather virtually for Annual Conference, to engage in the tradition of holy conferencing that is as old as Methodism itself. It will be a time of renewed connection, prayer, and inspiration, as we...

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Three Words to Pray

Three Words to Pray

Dear Hyde Park Family, “Prayer means that, in some unique way, we believe we’re invited into a relationship with someone who hears us when we speak in silence.” I recently re-read the book “Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers” by Anne Lamott, whose writing...

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In Relationship with Others

In Relationship with Others

I’m not sure who decides such things, but on the National Day Calendar website, this past week contained several unusual observances: Monday was National Clean Your Room Day, followed by National Eat What You Want Day. Who knew that yesterday was National Odometer...

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Are You Successful or Fruitful?

Are You Successful or Fruitful?

Dear Hyde Park Family, This Sunday we focus on Jesus’ famous image of the vine and the branches in John 15, in which he calls us to abide in him and bear fruit. It is important to remember that the standard by which we measure our faithfulness to God is faithfulness,...

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A Few Lessons from Sheep

A Few Lessons from Sheep

This Sunday our services focus on Jesus as our Good Shepherd from John 10. And in an odd bit of comedic timing, this video popped up in my social media feed. You’ll want to watch it. I bet you can relate to that sheep as much as I can. And here are a few other timely...

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Kids Camp and Missions Fund

Kids Camp and Missions Fund

As the school year winds down, families are looking forward to fun, impactful activities for their children. You can help by donating to send a kid to summer camp, Vacation Bible School or on a mission trip! A special offering is being collected to help make a...

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