813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 



Hyde Park Speaks

The Stories We Share




Midweek Message: Signs of the End Times?

Midweek Message: Signs of the End Times?

Dear Hyde Park Family, Okay, 2020. Let’s recap what you’ve brought us so far, shall we? A global pandemic has infected over 25 million people and killed nearly 900,000 around the world. We’ve had a series of jarring reminders of the ongoing presence of systemic racism...

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Midweek Message: Come, Lord Jesus!

Midweek Message: Come, Lord Jesus!

Dear Hyde Park Family, First, I invite you to pause for a moment and offer this prayer with me, for the people of Texas, Louisiana and all those affected by Hurricane Laura: God of Power and Provision, our hearts are joined in prayer for the people facing the ferocity...

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Midweek Message: The Ultimate Blasphemy

Midweek Message: The Ultimate Blasphemy

Dear Hyde Park Family, This Sunday our journey through the Bible makes a familiar stop at the story of Jonah. It’s a fun story that many of us have known since childhood, and has an endearing, “Aesop’s fable” kind of quality to it. It’s no wonder when the producers of...

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How to Help Your Kids and Teens Deal with Anxiety

How to Help Your Kids and Teens Deal with Anxiety

How is everyone doing in your house? No, really! How is the worry and anxiety level in your home this week? Do you know what the most common mental concern is in the United States is? It is Anxiety Disorder. It effects 40 million adults. It also is the most common...

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Facilitator Resources

Small Group Meeting format: Opening:  Ice breaker question Silence: Spend 1-3 minutes in Centering Prayer / Silence Read the scripture from the past Sunday here Additional materials could also be used here sometimes Discussion: What struck you? How can you apply it to...

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