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Hyde Park Speaks

The Stories We Share




Share Your RMD Tax-Free

Did you know you can share your retirement assets with Hyde Park United Methodist and distribute funds without paying ordinary income tax? Savers who have accumulated investments in tax-deferred IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) must begin distribution of these...

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What Can $100 or $500 Fund at Hyde Park?

As you consider the level of generosity you are called to in your support of Hyde Park's ministries and missions, here are some examples of a small incremental increase in your giving. What can $100 fund at Hyde Park? Two scholarships for children to experience God’s...

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Support Hyde Park’s Sparrow Fund

Support Hyde Park’s Sparrow Fund

The Sparrow Fund is a discretionary fund established by Hyde Park United Methodist to meet emergency needs of individuals and families. The name of the Sparrow Fund comes from Matthew 10:29-31. The fund receives all offerings from our Christmas Eve services plus...

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Confirmation 2023

Confirmation 2023

The Confirmation experience is an exciting time of faith discovery, reflection and commitment. Register by clicking here. Make-up sessions:  TBA Confirmation Packet (Calendar and Expectations) - Download Confirmation Packet PDF Covenant to sign - Download Covenant PDF...

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Peace Prayer

An Advent Prayer for Peace by the Rev. Magrey deVega O God, you made us in your image to be in relationship with you and others, yet we acknowledge the frailty of those relationships. We are imperfect. We have not always been kind. At times we have been more prone to...

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Creating an Advent Wreath

Whether you're familiar with the Advent Wreath or it's a new concept for you, Hyde Park is taking a new approach to an favorite tradition this year. It's likely that the use of Advent Wreath in the Christian tradition began in the home as a focal point of devotion. It...

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Midweek Message: A New View

Midweek Message: A New View

Dear Hyde Park Family, For today’s Midweek Message, I’m delighted to hand the message over to our Executive Director Peggy Hisey, who has an exciting report to share with us. Peggy came to us at the beginning of the year, with none of us knowing then what kind of year...

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Midweek Message: What is Still True … Again

Midweek Message: What is Still True … Again

Dear Hyde Park family, “We are now in the wake of one of the most captivating, bewildering presidential elections of our lifetime.” That was the opening sentence of my Midweek Message from Nov. 10, 2016, following the election of President Donald Trump four years ago....

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