813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 

Grace in Every Moment

Dear Hyde Park Family,

         Last week, I returned from spending a few days in San Diego, where my older daughter Grace is a junior at San Diego State. My younger daughter Madelyn flew over from Washington, D.C., giving the three of us a fun time to reconnect.

         One day, Maddy and I decided to hike up Cowles Mountain, the highest elevation in San Diego County. It is a 1.5-mile trail that ascends 940 feet above sea level. By the time we got to the top, our smart watches told us we climbed the equivalent of 62 flights of stairs. Though the trail was clearly marked, it was filled with stony, uneven terrain, making for a cautious hike the entire way up. Here is a picture of one of the steep, rocky inclines:

         Along the 45-minute walk up, there was a lot of time to ponder. And that meant time for this preacher to connect the hike with the experiences of life.


         Life is filled with highs and lows, mountains to climb and valleys to descend. We’ve all experienced both. Uphill climbs are hard, as we navigate steep grades of struggle and suffering, and every step is a challenge. You may be going through such a time now.

Then we have better moments, over the top moments, when life feels like a downhill cruise full of freedom and joy.

But here’s the thing: often, it feels like both at the same time. Most moments can feel like an indistinguishable combination of both highs and lows. Struggling in some areas, liberated in others. That may be where you are right now, uphill and downhill, all at once.

And maybe that ambiguity is okay. Both the uphill and downhill moments offer us spiritual wisdom.


         As I climbed Cowles Mountain, it was obvious what a chore it was. My legs burned, my feet became sore, my back and shoulders began to ache. But because each step was treacherous, the uphill climb forced me to slow my pace, walk with intentionality, and be more mindful of each moment.

Uphill climbs, as hard as they are, prompt keener awareness, focus and clarity, and a greater appreciation of sites we might otherwise speed past.  You also exercise muscles that can be made stronger for the long haul. Going uphill might seem laborious, but it has its redemptive qualities.  It is tough, but it is good. 


       Walking downhill was a different story altogether! There was greater enthusiasm and energy, as Maddy and I believed that the worst was over. Our pace quickened; each step felt lighter.

But we discovered that going downhill also has its challenges. The walk might have felt easier, but the need to focus was even greater. We had to watch our feet to avoid even a slight misstep that could lead to a tumble. The wear of Maddy’s soles was more noticeable, and she slipped much more often going down than on the way up. At one point, she mused, “I think gravity can be both friend and foe.”

Downhill moments might feel more joyful, but they still require awareness. We have to be even more mindful of slowing down when life is going well, so that we can savor and be present to each moment. 


         There is both grace and caution in every moment of life, whether it is an incline, a decline, or most often, a combination of the two. We discover that a secret to a grounded life, one that is centered in Christ, is one that refrains from letting our highs get too high, or our lows from getting too low. Each moment brings reasons for gratitude, discipline, reflection, patience, and joy.

         By the time Maddy and I got down the hill and headed for our car, there was relief and a sense of pride in our accomplishment. There was also gratitude that we were able to experience it together, and that neither of us were alone.

         And neither are you.

Grace and Peace,


Three More Things You Might Give Up for Lent

Dear Lenten Pilgrims,

Five years ago, I wrote a Midweek Message titled “Ten Other Things You Might Give Up for Lent,” which was subsequently picked up and published by Ministry Matters, our denomination’s online publication. You may wish to refer back to it as a guide for your Lenten journey.

This year, I’ve decided to add to that list, with three more aspects of life that you might choose to surrender over to God:

Give Up Negative Self Talk

We all tend to be our own worst critics, and there is nothing inherently wrong with identifying ways to improve. But there comes a point when self-motivation can drift into self-mutilation, and you need to offer grace to yourself. Identify the triggers that get you wandering toward self-negativity, and before you go too far, remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and deeply loved by God. (Psalm 139:14)

Give Up Confirmation Bias

Whether we realize it or not, we each have implicit biases that govern the way we seek, process, and internalize information that confirms our prior beliefs and values. There may come a point where such confirmation bias insulates us from an awareness of and appreciation for a diversity of perspectives, and diminishes our capacity for empathy and the possibility of reconciliation. Adopt a mindset of openness to opinions that are not your own, so long as those opinions are not harmful to others. Diversify the sources from which you get your information. Assume a posture of humility, curiosity, and empathy in your conversations with others. (1 Corinthians 3:1-9)

Give Up Your Fear of Taking the Next Step

We would all prefer our lives to have more certainty and less ambiguity. We would love to have our future paths brightly illuminated and unmistakably clear. But God doesn’t always guide us in this way. What we have, most of the time, is just enough clarity to take the step that is before us, without knowing what next step is beyond that. As hard as it is to live this way, this is how we develop trust and obedience in our relationship with God. Take things one step at a time, at God’s pace, in God’s direction. Over time, you will discover that self-surrender – and not self-reliance – will move you into the bright future God intends for you. (Proverbs 3:5-6)  

Grace and Peace,



Prayer for Ukraine

Dear Hyde Park Family,

As we begin this Lenten journey, we join our hearts and spirits in prayer for the devastation occurring in the country of Ukraine and the trauma experienced by its people around the world. We pray for an end to violence, comfort for the mourning and frightened, and an emergence of strong leadership to rise against tyranny and injustice.

May we be guided by the words of this spiritual anthem of the people of Ukraine. It is called “Prayer for Ukraine,” written by Oleksander Konysky, and is often sung at the conclusion of worship services in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.


Lord, oh the Great and Almighty,

Protect our beloved Ukraine,

Bless her with freedom and the light

Of your holy rays.

With learning and knowledge enlighten

Us, your children small,

In love pure and everlasting

Let us, oh Lord, grow.

We pray, oh Lord Almighty,

Protect our beloved Ukraine,

Grant our people and country

All your kindness and grace.

Bless us with freedom, bless us with wisdom,

Guide us into a kind world,

Bless us, oh Lord, with good fortune

Forever and evermore.

To continue in the spirit of this beautiful prayer, you might join us this Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. traditional service, as the Chancel Choir offers a rendition of this song.


In addition to prayer, you might choose to make a financial contribution to the efforts of our denomination’s relief agency, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), which is in communication with partners in the region and actively exploring the coordination of humanitarian response in Ukraine. You can give through this link, and to read more click here


We begin a new Lenten worship series this Sunday titled “Overflowing: Living Life to God’s Fullest.” It invites us into an expansive embrace of God’s grace and forgiveness, through the self-emptying practices of obedience and surrender. To receive daily text messages that connect you to words of inspiration, encouragement, and prayer, click here. 


If the Transfiguration Happened Today

Dear Hyde Park Family,

For today’s Midweek Message, I’m resurrecting (pun intended) a message from 2018, in which I playfully contemplate what the transfiguration of Jesus, observed by Christians this Sunday, might look like in today’s social media world.



See you Sunday!




We are excited to welcome noted author and speaker Diana Butler Bass this Sunday, Feb. 27. She will preach our morning sermon, then offer a lecture on the subject of gratitude from 4-6 p.m. in the Harnish Center. It will include a book signing, where you can purchase a copy of “Grateful: the Subversive Art of Giving Thanks.” To register for the event, click here.


March 6 begins the season of Lent, with a worship series titled “Overflowing.” Our journey will be one of self-emptying and surrender, so that we can be filled to overflowing with the love and grace of God. Our journey will feature daily text messages that you can receive to give you brief insights and words of encouragement along the way. To sign up, click here.

The Two Questions

Dear Hyde Park Family,

I love sessions with my therapist. They have been an important key to maintaining emotional wellness during this long, difficult season of life and ministry. Those of you with such a relationship with a therapist know these benefits; I’m grateful for mine.

At our first session years ago, she concluded by inviting me to answer two questions, which have marked the ending of each session ever since:

  1. What is one thing you are proud of since the last time we met?
  1. What is one thing you are looking forward to?

At first, those questions were hard to answer, especially during sessions when I felt so burdened by the present. I’ve since learned that this is precisely the point. The first question recalls and redeems the past; the second question anticipates and draws strength from the future. Both questions, together, have helped me get unstuck from the present.

It is now my favorite part of our sessions, and I ponder the answers before I arrive. More importantly, I have learned to ask these two questions of myself even between sessions, finding encouragement in the process.

I hope you have a person in your life with whom you can share answers to these questions., may it be a family member, friend, trusted colleague, or perhaps a professional therapist. You will discover that relationships like these, in which you can celebrate yourself without being perceived as boastful, will nourish you for the long haul.

If you’re willing, I would even love to hear your answers to these questions in this moment.

What are you proud of over these last few weeks?

What are you looking forward to?

I celebrate you!

Grace and Peace,




3 Tips for Giving Thanks

Dear Hyde Park Family,
We are a week away from Thanksgiving, and I pray your days ahead will be filled with moments of joy, reflection, and connecting with loved ones.
As the season suggests, may there also be occasions for you to give deep thanks to God and to each other for the blessings that you enjoy. And may your expression of thanksgiving be more than just a special occurrence before an annual meal; may it become a way of life.
So, here are three practical tips you might consider for cultivating a pattern of gratitude in your life.
1. Be as Specific as You Can.
There have been seasons of my life when I have maintained a gratitude journal, in which I intentionally write down two or three things I am grateful for every day.
The best advice I have ever received about keeping a gratitude journal is “the more specific, the better.” It is easy (albeit important) to be grateful for broad, general things, like your family, your health, your job, and other basic necessities. But research has shown that the more details you can give about specific experiences of gratitude, the more aware you will be of such blessings in the future.
For example, in my own gratitude journals, I have noted the following:
·      The feeling of my bare feet on a newly cleaned floor, or the feeling of waking up in freshly cleaned bedsheets.
·      Walking in the front door and seeing both my dogs wagging their tails in perfect sync.
·      The rays of sunshine that poked through the trees as I was walking around my neighborhood, just as I was listening to a beautiful rendition of a favorite praise song.
2. Try the Daily Examen Prayer.
Many Christian communities observe the Daily Offices, a rhythm of daily prayer that aligns with different moments of the day. One of the evening prayers is called the Daily Examen, which is a structured way to review the past day with prayer and gratitude. The following uses the pattern prescribed by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Begin with a pause and a slow, deep breath or two; become aware that you are in the presence of the Holy.
What am I especially grateful for in the past day:
·      The gift of another day…
·      The love and support I have received…
·      The courage I have mustered…
·      An event that took place today…
Petition and Review:
I am about to review my day; I ask for the light to know God and to know myself as God sees me.
·      Where have I felt true joy today?
·      What has troubled me today?
·      What has challenged me today?
·      Where and when did I pause today?
·      Have I noticed God’s presence in any of this?
Response and Look Ahead:
·      In light of my review, what is my response to the God of my life?
·      As I look ahead, what comes to mind?
·      With what spirit do I want to enter tomorrow?
3. Answer These Two Simple Questions.
Finally, you might find value in regularly answering the very same two questions that my therapist asks me at the conclusion of each of our sessions:
·      Since we last met, what is one thing that you are proud of?
·      What is one thing you are looking forward to?
I have learned to love those two questions, and it is often my favorite part of my therapy sessions. It has come to the point that I ask myself those questions even when I am not meeting my therapist.
No matter how hard life might become, God has empowered you to accomplish at least one thing that you can be proud of (and again, the more specific, the better.) And no matter how fearful or challenging the days ahead might feel to you, there is always something, even something small, that you can look forward to in the future.
So, friends, as you move into the week ahead, may it be filled with delightful, even surprising, reminders of all that God has done for you, in you, and through you.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Thank you to the many, many of you who have enabled us to get off to a strong start in receiving our estimates of giving for 2022. If you have not yet done so, please fill out your estimate by clicking here. Your estimates of giving are the only way our Finance Committee has to accurately plan for all the ministries and programs God is calling us to do next year. Thank you!

Celebration Impact – 2021 Annual Report

Celebration Impact – 2021 Annual Report


There has been a definite, discernible spirit of joy at the church since the beginning of September. More of our on-campus, in person ministries have resumed, including age-level discipleship ministries and the debut of our new worship schedule and contemporary worship space. Engagement in our online service continues to be strong, and we continue to make a difference through local and global missions.

We are getting back together, and moving forward together. And it is a joyful thing.
We have also discovered what it means to go “All In” in loving God and others with everything we’ve got. Our daily

activity cards and emails have showed us how to grow deeper in love and wider in service to God. Now, we get to take the next step in our journey, and go “All In Together.”

That’s the theme of this year’s Generosity Campaign, and it couldn’t come at a better time. I’ll say it plainly and directly: this may be the most important generosity campaign in recent memory. With so much positive momentum around us, the success of this campaign could determine just how much we will flourish next year as a church, or how hard it will be to make decisions about our ministries and programs.

More than ever, your participation can make a huge difference. So here are three ways that we each can go All in Together:

1. Pray. Our campaign this year features a 28-Day prayer journey, in which you can subscribe to receive daily emails that will feature a focused way to pray for various ministries and programs of the church. Go to hydeparkumc.org/dailyemails to subscribe.

2. Celebrate. We will be sharing many brief but powerful stories of lives that have been impacted by God through this church and your generosity. Experience the impact of their stories in the daily emails and other communications, and give thanks to God!

3. Give. Be sure to fill out and turn in your Estimate of Giving Card, either in person or online at hydeparkumc.org/eog by Commitment Sunday, November 14. We invite you to take a step of faith and give at the level that God is calling you to give. Both God and the work of this church will be honored by your gift!

Also, take a look at the enclosure titled Celebration of Impact. Because of your generosity, we can celebrate the many ways we have Made God’s Love Real together this past year!

Let’s seize the moment, one filled with joy and expectation, and claim the bright future God has for us. Let’s go All In … Together!

Grace and Peace,

The Rev. Magrey deVega

Senior Pastor

Wires Crossed

Dear Hyde Park Family,


I have discovered the joys of teaching my elderly parents how to use the Alexa app on their Amazon Echo. I purchased it for them a few weeks ago to give them a way of playing Filipino music by their favorite artists.

The lessons have gone as you might expect. It’s Alexa, not Amanda. Yes, it should understand your accent. No, you don’t have to yell. Don’t forget to start with Alexa; simply saying “Play Rey Valera” won’t do.

I will give them credit. After a few days, they figured it out. “Oh, Magrey,” my Mom told me a few days ago, “this is the best gift. We are listening to it all the time.” And then she recounts for me all the artists, all the albums, and all the songs they have listened to, most of which I’ve never heard of and can’t pronounce. My Dad, more the pragmatist, wonders how Amazon makes money allowing access to all this music. Oh, they make their money, we decided.

Then last Monday night, I had probably the best laugh I’ve had in months.

My older daughter Grace, a student at San Diego State University, reached out to let me know that apparently, my parents’ Amazon Echo had somehow logged into her Spotify music streaming service. Grace was on Spotify on her computer, and suddenly it started playing whatever my parents were listening to.

Now, you need to know that Grace is not a pretentious person by nature. But when it comes to her Spotify music, she can be fiercely protective. She has carefully curated her music selections to provide ready access to whatever playlist fits her mood and activity in the moment. She has her classical music, her Broadway showtunes, her pop hits, her select artists, albums, and genres, ready to go, literally at the push of a button. And given Spotify’s carefully crafted algorithms, she is even particular about the music that Spotify recommends for her to listen to.

This is all to say that since figuring out how to use their newly beloved Amazon Echo, my parents have been interjecting music into Grace’s Spotify account. This prompted this hilariously frantic text message from her to me last Monday:

“Okay. Yes, please fix it, because it keeps cutting out what I’m listening to, and playing songs in Tagalog, And now I’m getting recommendations for Tagalog songs, too. It is quite jarring to go from “Pictures at an Exhibition” to “Saang Linggong Pag-Ibig.”

This is easily my favorite text message of the whole year.

I called my parents, while still texting Grace, to figure out what to do. I explained to my mother that somehow, Grace was hearing whatever songs they were listening to. “Oh,” my mother said, half-concerned, “Grace would love Celine Dion.”

Uh, huh.

But here is where the story goes from merely comical, to a whole new stratosphere of hilarity. Grace discovered this problem while at work, at the tutoring center on campus where she is employed by the university. It was her night to provide background music for the center, and she had hooked up her computer to the public sound system.

So, you guessed it. All the students in the room were being treated to spontaneous musical interruptions by certain Filipino artists, along with Celine Dion, Kenny Rogers, Dolly Parton, and Barry Manilow.

Grace was mortified.

I fell asleep laughing Monday night, and woke up Tuesday morning laughing all over again.

I don’t know what to do with this story; all I know is that writing it out and archiving it as a Midweek Message helps me preserve it for future use. Maybe someday it will become a sermon illustration. Perhaps you can resonate with the challenges of being in the middle generation, parenting your children, while also caring for your parents.

Or, maybe, you just needed a good laugh. I did, and for that reason, I’m grateful. And as one of my Facebook friends said afterwards, it is a sign of good parenthood that I can still find a way to embarrass my child 3000 miles away.

Alas, my only regret is that this was all unintentional.

Grace and Peace,



There’s no suitable segue into this, but this Sunday is Commitment Sunday. Thank you for filling out your Estimate of Giving Card, which you can fill out online. Our Finance Committee plans all its funding for ministries and programs based on your giving estimates, so every card goes a long way toward making a big difference. Join us this Sunday for worship as we celebrate God’s goodness and claim the bright future God has for us. See you Sunday!

Doing Thanks

Dear Hyde Park Family,

With Halloween behind us and the month of November ahead, we enter a season of gratitude that culminates with the observance of Thanksgiving. I hope you will take time to acknowledge the many blessings of God that we might otherwise overlook.

Let’s remember that gratitude is more than just giving thanks. It is also about doing thanks. It is about performing acts of gratitude, as generosity and gratitude are intrinsically linked. Numerous studies over recent years conclude that people who live gratefully are more likely to demonstrate generosity.

The link between gratitude and generosity is also part of our primitive ancestry. Columnist Kira Newman, co-editor of The Gratitude Project, says, “Evolutionary theorists suggest that gratitude and generosity have long been intertwined. Gratitude could have facilitated the process of reciprocal altruism, whereby one person’s generous behavior inspires the other to act in kind. Our ancestors who participated in this cycle of gratitude and generosity were more likely to survive, the theory goes.”

So, as we enter this month of thanksgiving, here are three simple ways that you can not only give thanks and feel thankful, but actually practice gratitude through generosity:


Once again, we are partnering with Metropolitan Ministries to fill volunteer shifts in their annual Holiday Tent, on Sunday, November 21. We sort food, direct cars, hand out turkeys, and more to help families in need. With just a few hours of your time, you can make a big difference.

Registration for SERVE day is through the Metropolitan Ministries website and requires each person to have an account. Click here to register for SERVE Day. Participants wear red “Making God’s Love Real” t-shirts, which you can purchase for $10 in the church’s coffee shop.

Shift 1: 10:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (offers outside jobs)

Shift 2: 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (offers indoor jobs only)

Shift 3: 2 – 5:30 p.m. (offers outside jobs)

Shift 4: 3 – 6:30 p.m. (offers indoor jobs only)

If you registered for SERVE Day in previous years, you can access your account. Simply click the link, enter your password, and modify as needed. If you need any assistance with this process, please contact Nathan Gula, Director of Volunteer Services, Metropolitan Ministries, 813.209.1035 or Nathan.Gula@metromin.org.


We are partnering with a local ecumenical effort to provide basic food supplies for the roughly 2,300 refugees that have arrived in the county from Afghanistan, Haiti, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia and Venezuela.

We have set a goal of providing 100 refugee families with the following:

*5 lbs. Jasmine Rice

*1 Gallon Vegetable/Canola Oil

*5 lbs. Dry Beans/Canned Beans

*1 lb. Loose Leaf Green Tea

*5 lbs. Flour

*5 lbs. Lentils

*$20 Walmart gift card for the family.

We invite you to bring donation items to the ministry office. To learn more, or to make a financial donation, click here.


As I shared in my sermon last Sunday, this current generosity campaign is one of the most important church campaigns in recent years. Let us be motivated to turn in an estimate of giving card primarily out of gratitude for what God has given to us, and in recognition that all that we have belongs to God to begin with.

We invite you to view our exciting Celebration of Impact that celebrates all that our generosity has accomplished together. Click here to turn in an estimate of giving for 2022 by November 14, so that we can properly plan a Missions and Ministry budget that will accomplish all that God intends for us next year.

Every giving estimate makes a huge difference. Your act of generosity and gratitude really matters.

Let’s go all in together.

Grace and Peace,
