813.253.5388 |  Info@HydeParkUMC.org | 




Hyde Park in the News



God’s New Creation

God’s New Creation

Dear Hyde Park Family, So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Last Sunday we kicked off our new worship series “A New Creation,” and I concluded...

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You’ve Gotta See This!

You’ve Gotta See This!

Dear Hyde Park Family, Back in 1993, while walking through Tyrone Square Mall in St. Petersburg, I saw my first Magic Eye 3D image. Or at least I tried to see it. In case you’d never heard of them, Magic Eye 3D images are computer-generated pictures that on the...

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A Personal Word About Race

A Personal Word About Race

Dear Hyde Park Family, In the aftermath of the tragic shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, I offered a pastoral word and prayer earlier this week with which we can join in prayer and concern. A PERSONAL WORD ABOUT RACE A few people have reached out to me to offer their...

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CPR for Your Spirit

CPR for Your Spirit

Dear Lenten Pilgrims, We’ve all heard of CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Many of us have been trained to administer it in an emergency. Some of us may have even needed to receive it in the past. If you’re like me, we often need a different kind of CPR, one to...

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The Meaning of Scars

The Meaning of Scars

Dear Hyde Park Family, THE MEANING OF SCARS Many of us have scars we wish would disappear. I have a burn mark on my right forearm from when I once touched a hot piece of equipment. Madelyn has a scar over her left eye from stitches she needed after falling off her...

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The Ultimate Chess Match

The Ultimate Chess Match

In Walter Isaacson’s bestselling book titled Steve Jobs, chronicling the life of the famous founder of the Apple Corporation, he relays a story of when Jobs was a teenager. He had grown up with parents who always desired Jobs to be raised in the Christian faith. So,...

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Ships into Submarines

Ships into Submarines

Dear Hyde Park Family, Today’s Midweek Message contains a final update and word of celebration about our visioning process, a link to an important announcement video sharing some exciting news, the latest update on resuming indoor ministries on campus, and finally, a...

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“Letting Go for Lent”

“Letting Go for Lent”

Dear Lenten Pilgrims, Our Lenten worship series is titled “Cultivating and Letting Go,” in which we will explore each week how to cultivate a different aspect of holy character, and how to let go of characteristics that get in the way. In the spirit of that Lenten...

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“A Valentine’s Day Prayer”

“A Valentine’s Day Prayer”

Dear Hyde Park Family, With Valentine’s Day this Sunday, I wrote this prayer that you might join me in offering to God, seeking blessing on ourselves and those whom we love. Happy Valentine’s Day! A VALENTINE’S DAY PRAYER Eternal and Loving God, In your very being we...

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Go Bucs!

Go Bucs!

Dear Hyde Park Family, With minimal apology to any Chiefs fans out there, what an exciting time for us Buccaneer fans, and for Tampa Bay sports in general! I’ve lived in this area for most of my life and never thought I would see the day when four – FOUR! –...

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As Jesus Taught Us to Pray

As Jesus Taught Us to Pray

Dear Hyde Park Family, Matthew’s version of the Lord’s prayer is longer than Luke’s version, and in my sermon we will discover why the words and phrases that Matthew adds are so significant. Matthew’s version not only takes longer to say; it requires contemplation and...

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Faith and Politics … Again

Faith and Politics … Again

Dear Hyde Park Family, At noon today, Joe Biden will be inaugurated as our 46th president. To mark this occasion and to invite you into a spirit of prayerful reflection, the rest of today’s Midweek Message is a near-exact reprint of my message four years ago,...

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A Community of Love and Forgiveness

A Community of Love and Forgiveness

Dear Hyde Park Family, The last time this church did an in-depth worship series on the Sermon on the Mount was February 2002, in the wake of 9/11. Reading through the Beatitudes during that time took on unique meaning in the context of the greatest act of foreign...

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Vision and Implementation Updates

Vision and Implementation Updates

Vision Implementation Team Final Report Proverbs tells us that “where there is no vision, the people perish.” And the prophet Habbakuk calls us to “write the vision and make it plain.” Three and a half years ago, our church began a visioning process that resulted in a...

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Three Things to Remember

Three Things to Remember

Dear Hyde Park Family, A PASTORAL WORD Before I get to the heart of today’s Midweek Message, I offer a pastoral word in response to the violence we witnessed in the United States Capitol Building yesterday. It was deeply disturbing to our ideals as Americans. It was a...

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Newsletters and Social Media

Newsletters and Social Media

Subscribe to Newsletters: Click Here eHyde Park — A weekly summary of what’s happening and how you can get involved — including this Sunday's worship schedule. Family Ministries — A weekly newsletter that combines latest news, events and content from our Children's...

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Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) meets 9:30-11 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. (for working moms) the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month (during the school year). All moms with children age 5 and under and those moms who are pregnant. Wesley Center, 3rd floor, Rooms 308-309

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Share Your RMD Tax-Free

Did you know you can share your retirement assets with Hyde Park United Methodist and distribute funds without paying ordinary income tax? Savers who have accumulated investments in tax-deferred IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) must begin distribution of these...

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What Can $100 or $500 Fund at Hyde Park?

As you consider the level of generosity you are called to in your support of Hyde Park's ministries and missions, here are some examples of a small incremental increase in your giving. What can $100 fund at Hyde Park? Two scholarships for children to experience God’s...

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Confirmation 2023

Confirmation 2023

The Confirmation experience is an exciting time of faith discovery, reflection and commitment. Register by clicking here. Make-up sessions:  TBA Confirmation Packet (Calendar and Expectations) - Download Confirmation Packet PDF Covenant to sign - Download Covenant PDF...

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Peace Prayer

An Advent Prayer for Peace by the Rev. Magrey deVega O God, you made us in your image to be in relationship with you and others, yet we acknowledge the frailty of those relationships. We are imperfect. We have not always been kind. At times we have been more prone to...

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Creating an Advent Wreath

Whether you're familiar with the Advent Wreath or it's a new concept for you, Hyde Park is taking a new approach to an favorite tradition this year. It's likely that the use of Advent Wreath in the Christian tradition began in the home as a focal point of devotion. It...

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Midweek Message: A New View

Midweek Message: A New View

Dear Hyde Park Family, For today’s Midweek Message, I’m delighted to hand the message over to our Executive Director Peggy Hisey, who has an exciting report to share with us. Peggy came to us at the beginning of the year, with none of us knowing then what kind of year...

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Midweek Message: What is Still True … Again

Midweek Message: What is Still True … Again

Dear Hyde Park family, “We are now in the wake of one of the most captivating, bewildering presidential elections of our lifetime.” That was the opening sentence of my Midweek Message from Nov. 10, 2016, following the election of President Donald Trump four years ago....

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Midweek Message: Our Amazing Ancestry

Midweek Message: Our Amazing Ancestry

Two years ago, geneticist Yaniv Erlich announced a major breakthrough in genomic studies. His team at Columbia University set a record for the largest family tree ever created, made up of 13 million people, spanning 11 generations, going back 600 years. Using...

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Buy or Make Manna Bags

Buy or Make Manna Bags

We have some Manna Bags that are for sale if any family would like to pick some up. Please contact Emily, email, if you’d like to purchase and pick them up for $5 each. If you would like to make your own Manna Bags at home, these are the items that we use to make...

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Three Simple Rules for Voting

Three Simple Rules for Voting

Dear Hyde Park Family, We are now nineteen days from the general election, and along with encouraging you to practice your civic duty to vote, I offer you some words of wisdom from John Wesley. In October 1774, John Wesley was preaching in some small English towns...

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Midweek Message: What Do You Believe?

Midweek Message: What Do You Believe?

Dear Hyde Park Family, “I believe, therefore I am.” - Eberhard Jungel, German theologian Not long ago I found an online message board in which people were asked to complete the sentence, “I believe...” Many of the responses were profound. Some were pretty hilarious. I...

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Mission Moments

Mission Moments

Our mission partners and outreach programs are making a difference in our community and around the world! Listen to the stories and testimonies of how God is working in the lives of those touched by these programs. Love INC of Metro Tampa Love INC mobilizes churches...

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Midweek Message: Can We Talk?

Midweek Message: Can We Talk?

Dear Hyde Park Family, So, did you watch survive the first presidential debate? People may have disagreements about political ideologies and policies, but perhaps we can all agree that this debate was the single worst political spectacle we have ever seen. For me, it...

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Midweek Message: “Seeds of Hope”

Midweek Message: “Seeds of Hope”

Dear Hyde Park Family, A modern-day parable of hope, straight out of recent news headlines: Last summer, a woman named Dr. Elaine Soloway harvested 111 dates from a date tree, then she sampled one. She said it had a “honey or caramel aftertaste.” Nothing really...

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Hyde Park: Innovations

Hyde Park: Innovations

Dear Hyde Park Family, This week’s special Midweek Message comes in the form of this video update from me! Please watch the video below and go to hydeparkumc.org/innovations to find out more. Grace and peace, Magrey The Rev. Magrey deVegaSenior Pastor, Hyde Park...

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Midweek Message: On the Eve of 9/11

Midweek Message: On the Eve of 9/11

Dear Hyde Park Family, Do you remember where you were on Monday, Sept. 10, 2001? No? Me neither. The day was largely forgettable, and the news headlines were mostly unremarkable. Michael Jackson rang the opening bell on Wall Street. Disgraced Senator Gary Condit was...

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Midweek Message: Signs of the End Times?

Midweek Message: Signs of the End Times?

Dear Hyde Park Family, Okay, 2020. Let’s recap what you’ve brought us so far, shall we? A global pandemic has infected over 25 million people and killed nearly 900,000 around the world. We’ve had a series of jarring reminders of the ongoing presence of systemic racism...

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Midweek Message: Come, Lord Jesus!

Midweek Message: Come, Lord Jesus!

Dear Hyde Park Family, First, I invite you to pause for a moment and offer this prayer with me, for the people of Texas, Louisiana and all those affected by Hurricane Laura: God of Power and Provision, our hearts are joined in prayer for the people facing the ferocity...

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Midweek Message: The Ultimate Blasphemy

Midweek Message: The Ultimate Blasphemy

Dear Hyde Park Family, This Sunday our journey through the Bible makes a familiar stop at the story of Jonah. It’s a fun story that many of us have known since childhood, and has an endearing, “Aesop’s fable” kind of quality to it. It’s no wonder when the producers of...

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How to Help Your Kids and Teens Deal with Anxiety

How to Help Your Kids and Teens Deal with Anxiety

How is everyone doing in your house? No, really! How is the worry and anxiety level in your home this week? Do you know what the most common mental concern is in the United States is? It is Anxiety Disorder. It effects 40 million adults. It also is the most common...

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Facilitator Resources

Small Group Meeting format: Opening:  Ice breaker question Silence: Spend 1-3 minutes in Centering Prayer / Silence Read the scripture from the past Sunday here Additional materials could also be used here sometimes Discussion: What struck you? How can you apply it to...

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